
Autor Wątek: Plany GE odnosnie 40K  (Przeczytany 12941 razy)

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Offline Rufus

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« dnia: Luty 16, 2003, 09:19:35 pm »
These are my notes from the 40k Seminar with Andy Chambers. Release dates are UK relevant.

Chaos: -

Eye of Terror has an army called the Lost and Damned, these are similar to those found in the Gaunts Ghost books, the normal hordes of chaos with slighlty more powerful leaders. (i.e. like an Imperial guard army for chaos)

Typhus Special Character Model released for Eye of Terror

Rules: -

So far Andy believes the combat assault rules are going down well with the players.

Vehicle rules for 4th edition were mention and an interesting change was to be no assaulting on the turn you leave a transport, unless its open topped.

Move and Fire may change so can fire all weapons and move 6" only

BattleZone Space - Fighting in Space Hulks and in Space itself (2 yrs)

Sisters of Battle: -

Will be in the second inquisition book based on witchhunters. Either as support for a Witchhunter inquisitor or a stand alone army release target early 2004. Interesting note the 3rd Inquisitor book released in 2005 (Alienhunters)

No Sisters plastics - Only metal.

Might be plastic immolator tank.

Imperial Guard: -

Plastic Cadians released around May 2003

Tarran Kell and Ursarkar Creed models (leader and flag waver)

Space Marines: -

Codex Revision in 18months - 2 years.

Vets will get more abilities/skills in revision

Chapter Traits (easy to do your own chapters / abilities) in revision

Librarians will get a choice of powers in revision

Index Astartes articles will become less chapter focused, possibly about Fortress Monastery's etc..

Plastic Whirlwind model "soon"

Terminators when Codex revised, see above timeframe, although Andy did like the 40mm base being used for the Grey Knight Terminators

Baal Predator Tank March 2003 Release

Wulfen 13th Company, low on equipment, look like werewolves, high stats.

Iron Hands detail parts and Iron Father figure to be done when IA 3rd book released.

Scenery: -

Pre-Painted Resin Scenery for 40k from April 2003

Vac- Formed Plastic Scenery for 40k from June 2003

City Fight Ruins (for use with Eye of Terror) June 2003

Chaos Ruined Tower July 2003

Eldar: -

Ulthwe Strike Force Army for Eye of Terror campaign.

Apparently Warp Portal based, with mainly bikes and on foot.

New Seer models.

No plans to do Exodites

Plastic Wave serpent is coming though (no date)

Necrons: -

Subplot in Eye of Terror Campaign to kill Eldar

Orcs: -

Might get a few Variant army lists based on clans

Offline Wardancer

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Luty 17, 2003, 08:11:40 am »

Chlopcy chyba sie troszke przestarszyli zastoju na rynku i krytyki graczy.
Moze i dobrze. Ciekaw jestem tylko jak bedzie z dotrzymaywaniem tych obietnic.

Rufus, moze wrzucisz tu zdjecia nowych Cadianow?

Offline Rufus

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Luty 17, 2003, 09:47:47 am »
Mysle ze bedzie male zainteresowanie, nowi Cadianie sa za bardzo realistyczni ....

Offline jachu_ka

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Luty 17, 2003, 09:51:05 am »
zainteresowanie figurkami bedzie bardzo duze- bedzie sobie mozna rozbudowac armie bez zastawiania domu ;)

mąka krupczatka
<- ikona prawdziwego kasztaniarza.

Offline Rufus

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Luty 17, 2003, 09:57:47 am »
W takim razie zapraszam

Offline Wardancer

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Luty 17, 2003, 10:50:43 am »
Dla mnie realizm IG to zaleta nie wada.
Poza tym mozliwości konwersji sa nieograniczone.
Wyczytałem gdzieś że broń ciężka i specjalna bedzie w jednym pudełku z piechocińcami.
Dla mnie bomba! :D

Offline Rufus

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Luty 17, 2003, 10:53:36 am »
I to wszystko prawdopodobnie w MAJU :  )

Offline Wardancer

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: Luty 17, 2003, 12:02:14 pm »
Przejżałem te nowe zasady do pojazdów.
Krok w dobrym kierunku, bo zwiekszaja mobilnosc.
Problem w tym ze czolgi z ordnancem nadal beda nieruchome :(

Ktos widzial moze jakies zapowiedzi nowych pojazdow do Gwardii?
(nie liczac Valkirii)

btw Rufus dopiero co zwrocilem uwage na Twoje nowe "zdjecie", pasuje :wink:

Offline Rufus

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: Luty 17, 2003, 12:04:45 pm »
Jawohl Herr General,

nie bedzie nowych pojazdow (prawdopodobnie) tylko odswiezenie istniejacych. Zobaczymy ...

A nowe zasady wraz z kampania EoT.

Nie oddaje rzeczywistej urody, z automatu niestety ...

Offline Rufus

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: Luty 17, 2003, 12:42:24 pm »
Kolejne newsy z portent.netu ...

-New Vehicle Rules:
They will be released in on the net first.
Everyone at GW thinks that they were over zelous to fix the second edition rules that allowed a tank to run around the board shooting at will. Andy admits that third edition went to far and now tanks don&#8217;t shoot like they are supposed to.

Weapons less that Str 5 (anti-personal weapons) can fire no matter how far the tanks move
Weapons over Str 5 (anti-tank weapons) can fire one weapon if they move
Ordinance can fire if it moved, but will scatter further.

The other major rule, is that the Rhino Rush will be killed. Closed toped tanks will not be allowed to let their occupants disembark and charge on the same turn. Open-top vehicles will be able to though. Andy really dislikes the Rhino Rushing that has been going on, calling it &#8220;Space Marines on skate boards.&#8221;

Changes will include adjusted damage tables, moving and shooting, and abolishing the rule that allows to disembark and assault in the same turn.

Rule clarification: if a unit destroyes an enemy unit in the shooting phase, they may not choose to charge another unit. This is part of the effort to make units specialist in one area or another (i.e. shooting or assault) not both. The &#8220;fluff&#8221; reason why you cant is that everyone is busy congratulating themselves and not preparing to charge!

The Land Raider Crusader might be allowed to let disembarking troops charge, since it is apart of its background. Nothing firm on this though.

- Sisters of Battle: They will come out in the Witchhunters book, due out in winter of 2004. It will be similar to the Demon Hunters book, and you will be able to take all SoB armies if you like.

There will NOT be any plastics released for the SoB. AC really wanted that to happen but here is why there won&#8217;t be plastic SoB&#8217;s. Goodwin doesn&#8217;t want to redo the line in plastics due to technical issues (i.e. the mold lines) and wont be able to recreate the effect that he has already achieved with the metal ones. So blame Goodwin on this one boys.

They will add on to the range, so don&#8217;t throw away your old models.
New plastic add on kits for the Immolator and Exorcists will appear closer to the release.
Codex: Alien Hunters due out 2005
The Ordo Codexes will not allow the use of other Ordo&#8217;s when the rest of the codexes come out.

- Re-Do Codexes and Army Updates:

These will all be done in the long term, they will compatible with the Fourth Edition, when it is released. This is not a cyclic re-do of codexes. Therefore, they will not be re-done in the same order as initial release.

Codex: Battle zone. The next one will about fighting in space and on space hulks. However, it will take 3-4 years before it is released. City fight took this long says Andy. They wanted to name it Codex: Darkside, but Lucas Arts has that word so copyrighted it isn&#8217;t funny!

Space Marines will be first to get a re-do codex.
New whirlwind out soon, the masters were sent out this past week.
Vidicator: there are plans, but don&#8217;t expect anything soon
Plastic Termies: they will be released with the re-do Space Marine codex. No time given on when this will happen. There was a big fight with the &#8220;bean counters&#8221; Andy said because there are already plastic termies, and the &#8220;bean counters&#8221; were not hip to redo the plastic figures. Andy is fighting for us on this one, and they will be done.

Baal Predator: release March 2003
The re-do codex will make vet squads better and will go explore traits of other chapters more. They will get &#8220;skills&#8221; like hate (name enemy here) and stuff like that. It will make the other chapters have more character. However, Ultramarines will become the basic Space Marines in the universe. The new codex will flesh out the background more and more.

Tyranids: more plastics

Orks: no redo-codex; Andy is happy with the three lists the orks have now, they might get an article in White Dwarf some day about using clan specific armies, but they will be based on the current lists and will not get anything special.
Plastic gretchin: Andy wants them, but having a hard time convincing the &#8220;bean counters&#8221;

IG codex: late 2004

Crimson Fist: no rules specific to them, but they might get an IA article

Tau: no new war gear. Some new tanks from Forge World from the Fire Warrior game. The organic battle suit is in the works, but nothing scheduled at the moment. Corrupted Tau?: Not any more. There was some discussion in the past, but that project has been dumped.

Iron Hands got a lot of talk. There may or may not be some connection to the C&#8217;Tan. Andy wasn&#8217;t talking much about their future. They might get some metal parts to compliment the plastic space marine box set, in a year or so.

Eldar: No plastic wraithguard. Harlequins: no current plans, AC is keen to do something with them, but at the moment, there are no plans to add them to the redo Eldar codex. This is contrary to what I reported from Games Day this past year. Seems that the small changes in points costs have &#8220;fixed&#8221; the need for a redo at the moment. So push back the release date for the new Eldar codex by a long time.
A plastic Wave Serpent is in the works.
Exudites are history. Say goodbye. Andy says that the idea is to expand the number of races in warhammer, not to expand on the races that are out now. Armies like Eldar have enough already, so plans to expand them any more aren&#8217;t going to happen.
Someone complained that Eldar skimmers suck. Andy&#8217;s response: &#8220;Bloody Rot!&#8221; He continues to bash Eldar player.

New races you say? Well mum is the word on them. They are most likely years into the future. Andy told an amusing story that Goodwin wants to do some all clear crystal plastic race (this is the side effect of those Necron rods ). Andy thinks that it would look cool, but wont happen.

Arbites: nothing new planned for them, don&#8217;t expect these guys to appear in 40K again. AC says that their future will be limited to Necromunda.

Special Characters: Not all special characters will get models. However, in the future, the number of special characters in the codexes will be limited to the number that they can sculpt. I asked Andy if there as a Lucius the Eternal model in the works. He said that they &#8220;almost got one done in time for Eye of Terror, but we didn&#8217;t.&#8221; So, the future of Lucius is in doubt. Andy went on to say that they now have 14 sculptors, but only 4 that are capable of doing a special character like Lucius (can anyone say Cortez?)

Space Skaven?: No. AC says that in the beginning, 40K was fantasy in space. Now, things are different. However, the Hurd are still avaible to be released, and just might be.

Index Astartes: get ready for more IA other than founding chapters. IA: monastery, chaplains, and more were mentioned. Add your own IA: underwear jokes here.

Necrons: The rumored new C&#8217;Tan will not appear in the Eye of Terror. Maybe his own campaign in a couple of years.

Someone asked a question about Negash. I looked for the nearest exit.

Question to AC, what he thought was the best army: Orks (duh), he added that he thought that Space Marines were the best overall in terms of killing ability.
Another question about the best Space Marine chapter. Andy said that he thought that Blood Angles and Black Templar were easy to manipulate and defeat if you were a good general. Thus, he thinks that Ultramarines are the best Space Marine chapter.

Offline Todi

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: Luty 17, 2003, 05:54:12 pm »
innymi słowy - zapowiadają sie dobre czasy dla nas  :wink:
mperor's Children Chaos Space Marines !!!!

I've seen you Humans trying to forge an empire in the name of a corpse. I have seen your churches to the machine.
                                            the Deceiver

Offline jachu_ka

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: Luty 17, 2003, 07:50:30 pm »
Cytat: "Rufus"
Weapons less that Str 5 (anti-personal weapons) can fire no matter how far the tanks move
Weapons over Str 5 (anti-tank weapons) can fire one weapon if they move

super! mniej niz 5 i powyzej 5! o broniach z sila 5 ani slowa. bedzie kolejna errata. nic sie, kurrrwa, nie potrafia nauczyc.

Ordinance can fire if it moved, but will scatter further.

no chyba ze rzucisz hita. paranoja.

mąka krupczatka
<- ikona prawdziwego kasztaniarza.

Offline Asmodeusz

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: Luty 17, 2003, 08:06:39 pm »
Jachu - w ktoryms kolejnym info byla mowa, ze bron z S5 i mniej strzela po ruchu (Hv. Bolce tez :((( - LR Prometeusz bedzie zondzil :)
mmm.... moze kiedys to wypelnie... a moze nie :)

Offline jachu_ka

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: Luty 17, 2003, 08:21:38 pm »
no to scorcha bedzie jechac 25" i walic palnikiem po troopsach. fajnie :P

mąka krupczatka
<- ikona prawdziwego kasztaniarza.

Offline Rufus

Plany GE odnosnie 40K
« Odpowiedź #14 dnia: Luty 17, 2003, 08:22:50 pm »
Nie przesadzajmy, spokojnie, niech sie pojawia i bedziemy dyskutowac : )