
Autor Wątek: Nowości Games Workshop  (Przeczytany 834636 razy)

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Offline PaulShin

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5175 dnia: Październik 18, 2011, 07:51:33 pm »
This newsletter speaks of four plastic boxes, four characters in Finecast, and one regiment/unit box in Finecast as the releases on 5th of October.

To co wyliczamy. Barka/barka, Riksza lorda/Riksza z działem, immortale/snajperzy, prateorianie/lychguardzi, flayedzi w finecaście. Overlord, Trazyn, Imotekh, no i co czwarte? Może Cryptek. Czyli Wayland się przejechał trochę, a Warseer zgadł dobrze? ;)

Offline Wosho

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5176 dnia: Październik 19, 2011, 08:01:05 am »
As for Destroyers. The max it looks like you can have in an army is 9 now, and   that's including Heavy Destroyers (Heavy Destroyers are only taken as upgrades   in a Destroyer unit).

I have not seen any force organization chart   wackiness unlocked by anything...quite a big change from all the recent codexes,   but that's how it seems to be!

And no, there aren't any weapons that   ignore invulnerable saves in the codex either...however there are quite a few   little special abilities scattered about that simply remove models from play if   they fail a certain kind of test, which does effectively ignore invulnerable   saves (and any other kind of save too).

Finally, let's look at one   of the named character's rules a bit:

Anrakyr the Traveller (they guy   traveling around awakening Tomb Worlds and collecting a tithe of troops from   those he does) has a few special rules, but one of them is so cool I thought I'd   share it. It allows the Necron player to pick an enemy vehicle each shooting   phase within 18" and on a D6   roll of 3+, the Necron player is able to fire with that vehicle as if it were   his (counting as not moving for the shooting attack and ignoring any   shaken/stunned results on it) other words he 'hacks' into the vehicle and   momentarily takes control!

I can't imagine too many people ever taking   this guy over the Stormlord (although he is 50 pts cheaper), but that ability   could just do some crazy things, especially in Apocalypse games where you could   shoot with an enemy titan or other super-heavy vehicle!
Ressurrection Protocols returns the model to play with a single wound unless   they have a Phylactery in which case they come back (the first time they get   back up) with D3 wounds.

And yes, for the most part (not the C'Tan, for   example) every non-vehicle unit has Ressurection Protocols, so Scarabs can come   back as well now.

When it comes to Necron AT,   the thing you have to remember is that you're still dealing with an army where   most units (those with Gauss weapons) have the ability to inflict glancing hits   on vehicles and now you have Scarabs (and a few other models) with Entropic   Stirke which allows you to reduce the armor of enemy vehicles, so I do think   those two things potentially change how much AT firepower a Necron army has to have compared to   traditional armies.

There are no units walking around with a bunch of   AT firepower in them like   you see in some other codexes (such as Long Fangs), but again, I don't think   you're quite as reliant on these types of units because you have a few different   avenues to get the same job done.

• The Stormlord has that Lightning   that occurs when Night Fighting is going on, which hits vehicles on a D6 roll of '6' with D6 S8 hits that go against the   side armor of vehicles that are hit.

• Most models with a Warscythe are   striking at S7 in combat with them (which can certainly punch most vehicles).   And when on a Command barge ICs can make 3 attacks on an enemy vehicle's back   armor they pass over with their movement.

• Lychguard with Dispersion   Shields could theoretically bounce back AT fire off their shields onto enemy vehicles within   6" (but there's no reliability there).

• The Triach Stalker of course   has a 24" 2 shot S8 Melta weapon.

• C'Tan shards can take a 24" S9   shooting attack if they want. And of course the C'Tan & Tomb Spyders are   both Monstrous Creatures (S7 & S6 respectively) which means they can still   tear vehicles apart in CC.   

• Heavy Destroyers are still 36" S9 shots.

• Wraiths are S6   rending 3 Attacks in CC.   

• Scarabs of course (and some other models with special close combat   weapons such as the Void Blade) have Entropic attacks.

• The Monolith   still has its 24" S8 Particle Whip Large Blast.

• Doomsday Ark has the   72" S9 AP1 (large blast) shot if it doesn't move.

* Annihilation Barges   & Night Scythes both have the twin-linked Tesla Destructor, which despite   being AP-, should still do a   decent job on low armor vehicles (with a S7 and 4 shots and the potential for   more hits if you roll '6's to hit).

• The Doom Scythe of course has the   Death Ray. I actually read its rules wrong before...its not quite as good as   what I wrote before. It does a number of hits on a unit equal to the number of   models in the unit that are under the line. So if a unit has 5 models under the   line it takes 5 hits, but if a unit is only made up of a single model, then it   is only taking 1 hit. Of course the hits are S10 AP1, so its still pretty nasty.   

• Generic Overlords & Destroyer Lords can take a Tachyon Arrow,   which is like a super version of the Hunter-Killer missile. It is one-use, but   is S10 AP1 with unlimited range.

* One flavor of Cryptek has a 36" S8   attack, another has a 12" Assault 4 attack that hits like Haywire Grenades on   vehicles (2-5 = glancing hit, 6 = penetrating hit), while another has a S6   single shot with unlimited range that is an Entropic attack (so will reduce   enemy vehicle armor by 1 if it hits).

So all said, it looks like   there should be plenty of AT options available.
A lot of people seemed to like the idea of Trazyn the Infinite (aka the Necron   who likes to collect artifacts), so I figure I'd go over a bit more some of his   special rules.

First, I mentioned already that he is the named character   that has the wargear that allows him to wound every model of the same 'type'   that are in the combat with him (read the first page summary for more details on   that if you're unfamiliar). This is his weapon, which means you've only got the   base attacks of the model without any power weapon properties, etc. So to get   this potential wound on every model in the combat is not going to be an easy   task typically.

Beyond that he's got a few more unique rules:   

1) He is a scoring unit (because in reality when he's 'claiming' an   objective he's really seeking to claim a hidden Necron artifact nearby, it   says).

2) Anytime he is removed as a casualty, roll a D6. On a 1, he is removed as   normal (but would still get a chance to use Reanimation Protocols as usual I   presume as he has that special rule too), but on a 2+ you randomly choose   another model from all the friendly Lychguards, Crypteks, Necron Lords and   Overlords on the table (not counting named versions of those) and remove that   model and replace it with Trazyn, who counts as returning to play with the same   amount of wounds the model he replaces had. And it even specifies that he only   gives out Kill Points when he doesn't return this way.

3) He has   Mindshackle Scarabs (which is a piece of wargear that other character-type   models in the army have access to). These allow the bearer to randomly pick one   enemy model in base contact before any attacks are made in CC that turn. That model must pass   a Ld test on 3D6. If it fails the test, it   instead does D3 attacks on its own unit using the weapons/special rules of the   Necron player's choice (if the model has different weapons or kinds of attacks).   

So while not a powerhouse or a character that boosts the ability of   your army, he is a HQ that   is a scoring unit which can give you a few different tactical options.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Październik 19, 2011, 02:48:41 pm wysłana przez Wosho »

Offline matus_the_1st

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5177 dnia: Październik 19, 2011, 05:05:06 pm »
o-o-o Spice must flow o-o-o

Offline Nathaniel

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5178 dnia: Październik 20, 2011, 07:13:32 am »
lol, bez jaj  :???:

In dedicato imperatum ultra articulo mortis
- For the Emperor Beyond the Point of Death

As defenders we stand
... as brothers we fall

Offline Wosho

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5179 dnia: Październik 20, 2011, 09:39:11 am »
Memesor Zahndrekh & his loyal bodyguard Vargard Obryon   

This is the Lord whose mind was damaged during hibernation and he still   thinks he's fighting the wars of secession against his fellow Necrontyr (not   even realizing he is a Necron now).

Therefore, he still practices honor   and valor towards his enemies and tries to capture opposing generals instead of   kill them. He would also never use Deathmarks, Wraiths, etc, as these are not   honorable (assassins). Of course, they also say his subordinates have no such   compunctions, so it explains how you can still have these units in an army with   him.

Even though most of his subordinates would like to see him removed   because he's obviously crazy, he is still a military genius and he still has a   bunch of loyal followers as well, including his long-standing bodyguard Obyron,   who takes care to clean up whatever messes Zahndrekh's delusions get them into   (like he always arranges for enemy prisoners to be executed while 'trying to   escape' for example).

Zahndrekh has the gear to give himself a 2+/3+   save (which generic Overlords can do as well if they take the same gear). He   also has a Rez Orb, Particle Caster (pistol) and Void Blade (Rending &   Entropic).

His special rules are all based around his tactical acumen   and they allow him at the start of each Necron turn to pick a friendly unit and   give them a special rule: Counter-Attack, Furious Charge, Hit and Run, Acute   Senses, Stealth or Tank Hunters (which they get until the start of their next   turn).

He ALSO gets to pick one enemy unit on the table within his line   of sight to lose ALL of those special rules listed above until the start   of the next Necron turn.

When he is on the battlefield, any number of   Necron units in reserve waiting to Deep Strike may choose to enter play   immediately after any enemy unit arrives from Reserves. In other words,   basically the same ability the Deathmarks have.

Vargard Obyron does   not take up a HQ slot if in   the same army as Zahndrekh. He has an uncharacteristic WS6 (as well as a 2+   save) along with a Warscythe.

He also has the Ghostwalk Mantle, which is   a Veild of Darkness that can be used to pull his unit out of close combat   (leaving the enemy to consolidate immediately), and if he choose to arrive   within 6" of Zahndrekh, he does not scatter. Furthermore, if Zahndrekh's unit is   ever assaulted and Obyron is not part of that combat, then he immediately   teleports into the combat, leaving whatever unit he is in, even if he is already   fighting combat or embarked in a vehicle.

Finally, he has a special rule   that means he keeps track of any misses enemies roll against him in CC (not counting those that are   successfully re-rolled). Each 'miss' that occurs before he swings in combat   gives him a bonus extra attack that round of combat, up to a maximum of 6.   

These guys are not cheap (although at least individually still not   as expensive as the Stormlord), but they've certainly got some interesting   potential.

Offline Wosho

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5180 dnia: Październik 20, 2011, 09:54:11 am »
Wraiths are indeed 2 Wounds, but their Initiative has dropped to 2.

Tomb   Spyders have a WS, BS & Wounds of 3 and are   slightly reduced in points, but have lost an Attack (although they do start with   two CC weapons unless you   upgrade the arms to other stuff).

Offline karlvant

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5181 dnia: Październik 20, 2011, 02:10:30 pm »
He ALSO gets to pick one enemy unit on the table within his line   of sight to lose ALL of those special rules listed above until the start   of the next Necron turn.

Harlekini zatańczyli z radości.

Offline Vladdi

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5182 dnia: Październik 20, 2011, 02:14:13 pm »
Ktos wie od kiedy kodeks bedzie dostepny u nas w sklepach?
They told me they needed an army. They made me call half the humanity and tell them to kill the other half. There was no racism after that, no discrimination, no conflicts based on property, politics or religion. It only mattered if you were one of those that answered the phone or one of those that didn't. Apocalypse came and I was at it's gates.

Offline Wosho

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5183 dnia: Październik 21, 2011, 08:50:33 am »
Oop, I take back about what   I said about the Monolith, it can be used to pull ANY (non-vehicle) unit out of   reserves through its I guess as long as you have at least one   Monolith on the table, its not so bad to have your Night Scythes destroyed with   embarked troops as you can just pull them through the Monolith portal out of   Reserve at the start of your next movement phase.

And I also don't know   where I got the 18" range limitation on the Monolith is any   (non-vehicle) unit on the table that is not locked in combat.

With that   in mind, I do think the positives of having a Monolith in your force have shot   way up especially if you're taking any Night Scythes as well.
I should mention that the Monolith portal rules specify that the unit counts as   disembarking from a moving vehicle (even though it happens before the Monolith   has a chance to move that turn), so there is no moving with the unit that phase   after teleporting it, and since it counts as disembarking from a (not open   topped vehicle), there's no assaulting that turn either.

So if you had   dreams of Glorious Monolith Portal assault maneuvers, you can but those to rest.
The Particle Whip is an Ordnance weapon, so it doesn't appear that you can fire   it and the Flux Arcs at the same time. The 'Eternity Gate', which is what can be   used either as a 'Dimensional Corridor' (portal to transport Necrons) or as a   'Portal of Exile' (sucking enemy troops in) cannot be destroyed, but the 'Portal   of Exile' is described as being a 'shooting attack' which means it can't be used   if you fire the Particle Whip at the same time.

The Gauss Flux Arcs   & the Particle Whip are just weapons now, so they can totally be destroyed   by 'weapon destroyed' results (just not the Eternity Gate). And of course the   Monolith can be shaken & stunned, but does have living metal to help   mitigate that.

So it looks like you'd be able to either: Fire the   Particle Whip and use the Eternity Gate to transport a Necron unit at the start   of the turn or Fire the Gauss Flux Arcs and use the Eternity Gate in either   fashion (transport portal or portal of exile).

Oh, and the Gauss Flux   arc is only S4 AP5.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Październik 21, 2011, 10:14:56 am wysłana przez Wosho »

Offline Wosho

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5184 dnia: Październik 24, 2011, 12:11:28 pm »
Today let's look a bit more at Illuminor Szeras.

His fluff says that   while the C'Tan provided the knowledge for the bio-transference of the Necrontyr   race into Necrons, it was Szeras that actually made it a reality. He saw it as   just one step towards the ultimate evolution into gods of pure energy (I guess   what he saw the C'Tan as and wanted to be that).

So even today he   continues his tireless studies into understanding all facets of life, presumably   seeking the elusive secret that would allow him to become a 'god' in his eyes.   

To do this, apparently he feels he needs to test on living beings, so   he's constantly needing fresh subjects culled from invasions. Through his   research he has come up with some the greatest advancements in technology for   the Necrons, so his services are much sought after.

He is a Cryptek   special character, so has a much more less powerful statline then the other   special characters that are essentially super-Necron Orverlords.

For   Wargear, he has an Eldrtich Lance and Gaze of Flame (Assault and Defensive   Grenades for him and his unit).

His one unique special rule is that he   upgrades a single Warrior or Immmortal unit with a random upgrade (you roll a D3   to see which ability gets picked...I mistakenly reported earlier that he   upgraded D3 units, but that actually isn't the case. He only upgrades one unit)   

The upgrades are: T5, BS5 or S5.

Definitely one of the more   ho-hum named characters from a gameplay perspective, but he's also the cheapest   by far.
Today let's look more at the 2nd of the 'Cryptek' (in the fluff only -- still   just a HQ choice in the army   list) named character: Orikan the Diviner.

His fluff is that he   is the master 'astromancer' in the Necron race and is roughly equivalent to what   Eldrad is to the Eldar (although I think Eldrad is superior to him in terms of   future predictions).

Since Orikan knows so much about the future, he   tends to treat other Necrons with scorn and disdain and this has made him less   than popular and many would like to see him destroyed. Unfortunately, his skills   are fare too useful for anyone to actually go through with that.

Unlike   a Farseer, it seems as though his ability to predict the future is largely based   on sheer calculations of even the smallest minutiae. However, unforeseen events,   especially those based around the truly unpredictable nature of the warp can and   do confound him. In order to maintain his reputation, he has access to some rare   chronomantic abilities, which he uses to actually go backwards in time to   change past events slightly to make sure his predictions actually come true.   

Of course, every time he does this, naturally all sorts of other   terrible unforeseen events also tend to occur based on what he changed in the   past, but as long as his prediction came true, he cares little for any other   destruction he causes.

Just as with Illuminor Szeras (the other   'Cryptek' named character) he has lesser stats than the Overlord style named   characters. He does have a phase shifter though (3++ save).

His weapon   is the 'staff of tomorrow' and its basically a staff that hits his opponents an   instant before he actually swings it! That means he gets to re-roll 'to hit' and   'to wound' rolls, and it is a power weapon.

He has a special rule called   'Lord of Time' that allows him on one turn (and only one turn) to re-roll all   unsuccessful reserve rolls that turn (unsuccessful rolls MUST be rerolled that   turn, he doesn't get to choose).

He has another special rule that means   all enemy units count as moving through difficult terrain on the first turn and   if they are actually moving through difficult terrain then they have to choose   the lowest die from the two they roll for difficult terrain. This obviously   seems like a good ability to combine with the C'Tan manifestation that makes all   difficult terrain count as dangerous!

The last ability he has is called   'The Stars are Right' and basically represents the fact that Orikan has   predicted that at some time during the battle the stars will align and he will   reclaim a portion of his ancient power (presumably from before when he was a   Necontyr). He rolls a D6 at   the start of each of his turns and if the die roll is less than or equal to the   turn number then he has ascended to his 'empowered' state and gets a totally new   statline that has S/T7, A/W4, etc...suspiciously similar to a C'Tan profile some   would say.    

Of course, you have to keep rolling at the start of each turn and if you   ever roll less than or equal to the turn number again, his power recedes and he   drops back down to his old statline (which could mean he instantly dies if he   had already suffered more wounds than his 'lesser' profile has on it).   

Points-wise, this guy is nowhere near as cheap as Illuminor Szeras, but   compared to the rest of the named characters, he is still the cheapest.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Październik 24, 2011, 12:25:09 pm wysłana przez Wosho »

Offline Wosho

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5185 dnia: Październik 24, 2011, 04:44:41 pm »

Offline Wosho

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5186 dnia: Październik 25, 2011, 09:50:01 am »
Afaik, no. Nothing is   supposed to happen this weekend. Preorders should start with the WD next saturday.
However,   due to the leak, GW retail   stores have started to accept preorders already and are showing pictures and   infos on a handout. Therefor they might be showing them 'early'.
Both C'tan models will be redone in finecast, 5th of November. Both C'tan   sculpts and both the current Lord Models will be redone in Finecast aswell.   Destroyerlord and Heavy Destroyer remain a Plastic/Metal Hybrid Kit for the time   being.
We also keep forgetting it's a 6th Edition Codex. Destroyers   with Preferred Enemy show that pretty good. Some things will appear strange or   won't make any sense at all.
I also forsee, as I said befor, that   the full potential of the new Codex will show with the 6th Edition rules.   Otherwise I cannot explain several things. Like the Destroyers. Or the rapid   fire sniperrifles. If what I heard is true, Deathmarks will be a real pain in   the ass starting July.
Units may shoot once immediately after a   deep strike movement.
Rapid fire weapons may be fired twice at max range if   shooting unit didn't move that turn, or once at maxrange/twice at 12" if they   moved.
Preferred enemy will work on shooting.
Take it with a lot of   salt, though.
  <blockquote>  ghost21 wrote:only with overwatch</blockquote>
T7 or   T8 won't make that much of a difference come July. Same goes for the Gauss   ability to wound everything, no matter what the toughness.

Offline gilthanas

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5187 dnia: Październik 25, 2011, 09:56:39 am »
O, Wyglada na to, ze w 6 ed zmieni sie tabelka woundowania. Ciekawe.
A ninja knows no fear.

Offline Wosho

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5188 dnia: Październik 25, 2011, 10:22:31 am »
Okay, I've saved the arguably best named character for last...Imotekh the   Stormlord. I've already discussed a bit about what he can do, but I thought I'd   go a bit deeper as he's likely to be many peoples' favorite...because let's face   it, most people like the most powerful guy and he is, both in gameplay and in   the fluff.

Imotekh's Tomb World awoke with many of its rulers still in   hibernation. The lesser Lords that awoke decided not to manually wake up their   superiors as they each tried to vie for control of the world. After a decade of   civil war, one lesser Lord got the idea that he could awaken a great general and   use him to rally everyone else to his cause, and so he woke up Imotekh, who was   instantly appalled at the state of the Tomb World. He raised his own army and   quickly decimated all of his competitors to the throne and took over never to   look back.

The only true rival in his kingdom is now Nemesor Zahndrekh,   but he is still wildly loyal to Imotekh (likely believing him to be some great   Royarch of old).

Imotekh is perhaps the galaxy's greatest strategist and   his attacks are often made across whole systems simultaneously, not just on   isolated planets. Although his attacks may seem almost magical to some, in truth   it is cold hard logic and probabilities in play, something that Imotekh is a   master of, along with a great understanding of his foes' minds. His logic is so   flawless, that the only way an enemy can get an advantage on him is to be truly   random...something Orks actually do innately, which is why Imotekh hates them   above all else. Imotekh has one and only one goal: to wash clean the galaxy of   all its lesser races, leaving the Necrons to remain supreme.

Imotekh   knows that logic and precision can only accomplish so much. Therefore, he uses   weapons of terror and confusion against the enemy including having his forces   advance under a storm-darkened sky (not explained how he does that, but I'm   guessing some sort of Necron tech is in play) as well as implanting some foes   with 'bloodswarm nanoscarabs' whose presence in their bodies draws Flayed Ones   to them like flies to crap.

His empire is growing at an extremely fast   rate, faster than any other Necron Overlord. Of course, this expansion has also   means that his Empire has begun to be noticed in a serious way by the   Ultramarines, Iyanden Craftworld & even the Tau Empire (as all 3 are   apparently fairly close to the borders of his expanding domain).

If   there is one flaw with Imotekh, it his need to utterly humiliate his foes in   order to truly display his superiority, and leave them alive to know their shame   at being defeated (although typically with a limb removed as a grim reminder of   their loss). However, this hubris has led to allowing vanquished foes to survive   now with further knowledge about how to fight him and Necrons in general. The   fluff hints that perhaps damage during hibernation is to blame, but which trait   is due to this damage? Is the need for personal glory the glitch or is it the   grand strategic vision?

Imotekh is armed with a few pieces of 'standard'   wargear (that generic Overlords can also be equipped with): Phase Shifter &   Sempiternal Weave (which together give him a 2+/3++ save), Phylactery &   Gauntlet of Fire (which is a CC weapon that allows 'to hit' & 'to wound' rolls   in combat to be re-rolled and can be used in the shooting phase as a very   standard template weapon).

For non-standard wargear, he has 'Bloodswarm   Nanoscarabs' which make you randomly pick one enemy non-vehicle unit in the army   (going to need that random number generator again!) and any Flayed One packs   aiming to Deep Strike within 6" of this enemy unit don't scatter.

He   also carries the 'Staff of the Destroyer' which cannot be used in CC (so no +1 for having two   weapons in CC) but allows a   once per game shooting attack that is S6, AP1, Assault1 and fires a 2D6" straight 'line' out from   Imotekh's base and hits enemy units underneath like the Doom Scythe's Death Ray   (each unit under the line suffers as many hits as models in that unit that are   actually under the line).

For special rules, if his close combat attacks   bring down an enemy Independent Character or Monstrous Creature then you get 2   Kill Points instead of 1...but if you're playing a campaign then any models   'killed' this way gain 'preferred enemy' against Imotekh in subsequent games in   the campaign (as he lets them go after defeating them).

As I mentioned   before, he also is able to steal the Initiative in games on a roll of 4+, unless   playing against Orks (in which case you can't even attempt to seize the   Initiative).

And finally, he has the 'Lord of the Storm' rule that I   reported before which causes turn 1 of every game to have Night Fighting in   effect and if you wish, you can extend it into further game turns by rolling   higher than the turn number on a D6 at the start of each game turn (as well as   potentially causing lightning strikes on every enemy unit on the table in each   Necron Shooting phase while Night Fighting is in effect).

So as you   can see, this guy has a whole host of awesomeness going on, not the least of   which is the ability to bring Night Fighting into games which can be a huge  advantage if your army is set up to take advantage of it (especially as you're   potentially doing bonus damage to the enemy army with your lightning strikes   while its going on), but he is by far the most expensive named character in the   book, although not so expensive that he probably isn't a real go-to choice for   lots of Necron generals.
Again some stuff i got from the WD: Imhotek is 225 points, Trazyn is 175. 10   warriors in a ghost ark are 245 (do the math on that one). A Doomsday ark is 175   points. An annihilation barge is 90 points.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Październik 25, 2011, 03:54:19 pm wysłana przez Wosho »

Offline Bizim

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #5189 dnia: Październik 25, 2011, 05:18:01 pm »
O, Wyglada na to, ze w 6 ed zmieni sie tabelka woundowania. Ciekawe.

W tych plotkach odnośnie 6 edycji było wspomniane, że woundowanie ma być jak w wfb. Czyli 6 zawsze rani.