
Autor Wątek: Takie tam...  (Przeczytany 998 razy)

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Offline Młodszy Nieduży Brat

Takie tam...
« dnia: Wrzesień 14, 2003, 04:46:15 pm »
Wszyscy już zapewne zauwazyli, ze jestem biednym człowiekiem i miewam baardzo chore pomysły...
Więc pewnego omysłu pana Iberalesa bardzo pokręciło (znaczy bardziej niż zwykle) i pomyślał sobie co by było gdyby można wystawić armię gwardii opartą na kawalerii (grało sę brytfannią to i zostało)...
Owoc mojej pracy możecie popodziwiać sobie tu:

16’th Dragoons de l’Anguille.

1. [Organization:] Dragoons.
2. Hardened Fighters
3. [Restricted unit:] Rough Riders
4. [Equipment:] Carapace Armour
5. Skilled Riders

Special rules:
[Organization:] Dragoons: Every model in army must by mounted on steed or chimera.
Infantry platoon entry is replaced by Cavalry Platoon entry (see below).
Skilled riders: riders may reroll failed difficult terrain tests. Note that every mounted model in Dragoons army have this skill.
Hardened Fighters: +1 to WS, +15 pts per squad.
Bionics: each unit may be equiped with bionics for +20 points
Matter of Honour: Advisors will join horse mounted (in this case they must have mount for +5 points) officers first and only if every one of them already has an advisor can join any other unit.

HQ: 1 Command HQ, 0-5 Comissars, 0-5 Standard Bearer (see below).
Elites: 0-1 Hardened Veterans1, 0-1 Storm troopers1, Honour Guard,
Troops: Cavalry Platoon (see below), Armoured Fist (no more than one squad per each Cavalry Platoon),
Fast Attack: Scout Squad, Sentinels, Hellhound,
Heavy Support: Heavy Weapons Platoon1, 0-1 Basilisk, 0-1 Leman Russ, 0-1 Leman Russ Demolisher,

Command HQ must be mounted on Steeds (for +2 points/model, +5 for officer),
Command squad consists of a commanding officer and four Adiutants,
Options: Adiutants have the same options like Command Squad in Codex:Imperial Guard,
Optionally they may be upgraded to Honour Guard (see below).

Comissars: see Codex:Imperial Guard.
        Have You ever been in a charge, Sir?: Comissars are not often trained in fighting from horseback and even if they can manage to stay in saddle they’re not so inspiring in eyes of troopers who mastered the ways of horsemanship. In result Commissar do not grant +1 Ld bonus to advised officer. Nevertheless they will still execute officer which is’nt worth of performing a duty for Emperor.

Standard Bearer:
Cadet Lieutnant’s from best offixcer schools are often granted one of squadron or even company banners. He’s an officer with statistics of junior officer with two wounds and costs 40 points The proudness of charging under the one of the most sacred relics of company is so great that in first turn of every combat Cadet Liutnant joins every mounted guardsman may reroll all missed attacks. Unit which is joined by Cadet-Lieutnant may not stand to shoot.
Advisor: see Codex:Imperial Guard

Honour Guard:
Honour Guard is a unit of most experienced warriors of company, they usually join their officers and act as a bodyguards

Guard - WS4 LD8
Cavalry Captain - A2 LD8
Unit size: 4-9 and Cavalry Captain,
Equipment: Carapace Armour, Hunting Lances, aspistols & Close Combat Weapons,
Options: One model in unit may have Meltagun +10 pts, Plasma gun +10 pts. Flamer +6 pts. Cavalry Captain is character and have access to the armoury.

Special rules:
Fleet of Hooves,
Skilled Riders,

Cavalry Platoon:
Consists of 1 Platoon HQ and 2-5 Rough Riders Squads (see Codex:Imperial Guard).

Platoon HQ consists of Lieutnant (35pts.) or Honour-Captain (55 pts. Counts like Senior officer) and his four man strong command squad which may be upgraded to Honour Guard.

Scout Squad:
Counts as rough rider squad with Infiltration ability for +1 pts.

I co wy na to?
Kwalifikuje się to jeszcze na leczenie chemią czy trzeba kombinować chirurga?
lu potrzeba Dumnych Falangistów Orla Bielika aby wkręcić żarówkę?
Jeden trzyma a dwaj pozostali piją aż świat znacznie się kręcić...

Offline ghost666

Takie tam...
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Wrzesień 14, 2003, 05:16:46 pm »
hm... fajne :) kiedyś chyba było coś takiego jak attilan rough rider, do IG, czy nadal to to egzystuje? proponuej znaleźć zasady do tegoż pododziału IG i wsio :D
lory fot the Horned Rat!!!

Offline Pokpoko

Takie tam...
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Wrzesień 14, 2003, 07:03:39 pm »
GW zapowiexiało zasady do Rought Riders company..ale kiedy tego nikt nie wie...więc zawsze możesz uzgodnić z kolegą ze grasz zasadami z rulbooka(tj.zasady z nowego dexu ale lista z rulbooka)gdzie masz miniliste z zasadami tworzebnia tajej armi(wszystko na koniach..i piechoty,nawet w transporterach..) :roll: