Autor Wątek: Własne Projekty Warband  (Przeczytany 51485 razy)

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Offline MiSiO

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #105 dnia: Wrzesień 06, 2005, 05:03:03 pm »
E tam ograniczenia. Save na +4. WS4 [i tak spory!], ma Ld7 gdy rat ogre ma 5? Wystarczy nie dać sobie zabićopiekuna... który ma M5 i może spokojnie strzelać z dystansu.

Offline Mistrz wałków :)

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #106 dnia: Wrzesień 06, 2005, 09:00:10 pm »
Z tym ze rat ogr ma 6 opiekunów a drzewko tylko jednego :)
Kamil. (miszczu)

Offline Mistrz wałków :)

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #107 dnia: Lipiec 30, 2006, 01:00:52 pm »
Magia druidyczna (do bandy WE):

Magiczna ochrona duchów lasu  P:7
Starożytne duchy lasu opanowują ciało druida tworząc niewidzialną barrirę dla jego wrogów
Druid do następnej fazy magii posiada worda (niemodyfikowany save) na 5+.

Ciernie P:8
Wijące się pnącza atakuja swych wrogów dusząc ich, wbijając przy tym swoje ciernie.
Wybierz dowolny model wroga 6 cali od drzewa, krzaku lub od druida. Otrzymuje on D3 automatyczne trafienia z S4.

Duszki lasu P:Auto
Druid wzywa na pomoc duchy lasu.
Stwórz 6 cali od druida D3 duszki lasu.
Współczynniki duszka:
M5 Ws2 Bs2 S3 T3 W1 A1 Ld6
Zasady specjalne: duszki zdają wszelkie test Ld.
Czar można rzucić raz w grze!

Trzęsienie ziemi P 10
Potężne trzęsienie ziemni opanowuje najbliższa okolicę druida. To matka Ziemia postanawia mu przyjść z pomocą.
W obszarze 12 cali od druida wszystkie model poza nim (zarówno wrogie jak i przyjacielskie) musza zdać test inicjatywy. Jeśli się on nie powiedzie, modele są automatycznie wywrócone (knock down).

Szczęśliwa koniczyna P7
Świerzy zapach lasu i porannej koniczyny dodaje nowego zapału wojownikowi którego opanował.
Dowolny bohater z którym styka się druid (może rzucić tez na siebie) może przerzucać do następnej fazy magii wszelkie nieudane rzuty kością.

Życiodajna siła źródła P6
Koło postaci wytryskuje małe źródełko które regeneruje jej siły.
Czar powoduje ze wybrany model w 2 calach od druida (może rzucić tez na siebie) otrzymuje do końca następnej fazy magii rzut ochronny od czarów przeciwnika wysokości 4+ i odzyskuje utraconą ranę (wound)
Kamil. (miszczu)

Offline Ushabti

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #108 dnia: Sierpień 04, 2006, 11:26:34 am »
Trochę późno i nie tyle krytyka co własne przemyślenia:
- skoro to bieganie po ostępach imperium zamiast szlachcic powinien jak dla mnie dowodzić zwiadowca (a najlepiej przepatrywacz): Waywatcher na lidera! (wtedy będzie tylko jeden i po śmierci koniec z jego atutami)
- do tanga trzeba dwojga: ilość Wardancerów 0-2 a ich tańce to specjalne skile których trzeba się nauczyć (jak u slayerów)
- Tree Singer jako koleś od drzewek i magii, pozostaje jako czwarty i 4 herosów wystarczy. Dzięki temu mamy jeszcze miejsce w przyszłości na herosa gwardzistę i herosa driadę, a mały dochód jakoś nadrobi przewagę w statystykach. Czary takie jak podał Miszczu albo modyfikacje czarów Amazonek.

Glade Guardzi jak najbardziej na miejscu, to samo driady które jak dla mnie powinny byc jednak 0-3 (to tak samo jak tree kin drzewka niechętnie opuszczające swoje zagajniki). Przy skillach pozwoliłbym im jeszcze na szybkościówki (zwinna i giętka driada zwana Wierzbą, wraz z koleżanką Brzózką biegaly za mlodu skacząc przez strumyki, tańcząc wśrod elfów i traw, oraz w chwilach największej sielanki pacyfikując małe osady drwali ;) )

Tree Kina zostaw w spokoju tak jak go stworzyłeś. Statystyki są jak najwłasciwsze, do tego możliwość przyśnięcia może byc równie upierdiwa co głupota jesli nie bardziej. Jeśli komuś faktycznie to przeszkadza to podnieś mu cenę z 200 do 230 gc. :P

Ewentualnie zastanowiłbym się czy zwykłych skautów nie wystawić u stronników tez na 0-3. Zamiast infiltracji mogą się wystawić na odległość 2 razy większą niz założona w scenariuszu.

We włóczni eternali (czy podwójnym mieczu) warto pamiętać że zajmuje obie dlonie.
Elternal guard fighting style: używając włóczni Eteral guard postać zadaje krytyki przy wyniku 5-6.

Jak dla mnie przesadzone. Lepiej niech umożliwia parowanie tą bronią.

Smiercionośny strzał: Postać używając elfiego łuku strzelając na bliskim zasięgu zabija automatycznie (niezależnie od ran i save-ów) przy wyniku 6 na ranienie!

Tu tez nie należy przesadzać, za to zasada z umiejetności poprzedniej nada się doskonale: krytyki na 5-6 zamiast na 6.

Strzał z ukrycia jak najbardziej, zwłaszcza, że spośród 2 herosów tylko dowódca i druid mogliby używać łuków ;)

No i dokładnie tak jak powiedział Musley: banda do EiF a nie do Mordheim!!! (i to też raczej jako obrońcy swojego terytorium niż agresorzy)

Gratuluję pomysłu i miłej zabawy przy spisywaniu ostatecznej wersji ;)
url=]Serwis społeczności Mordheim[/url]

Offline Mistrz wałków :)

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #109 dnia: Sierpień 04, 2006, 03:39:39 pm »
Dzieki Karol za konstruktywna kryrykę :).

Wiekszość (żeby nie powiedziec że wszystko :)) wprowadzę i dzieki temu powinna powstac nowa wywazona w zasadach banda :).

Nie wiem czy dzisiaj jeszcze zdąże ale postaram sie dopisac te zmiany.

Idąc za wskazówkami karola Oto ostateczna wersja moich WE:

Banda leśnych elfów

Zasady specjalne bandy:
Teren leśny traktują jak otwarty.
Nienawidzą niewoli- bochater który dostaje się do niewoli (captured) automatycznie popełnia samobójstwo (przeciwnik nie otrzymuje za niego pieniędzy i jest wykreślany z listy bandy)


1.Wysoko urodzony 85 gc

M5 WS5 BS5 S3 T3 W1 I5 A1 LD9

Ekwipunek : lista elfów
Zasady specjalne:

0-2 Tancerz wojny 55 gc

M5 WS5 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD8

Ekwipunek : Dla tancerzy wojny

Zasady specjalne:
Tańce- Tancerz wojny może zadeklarować w każdej turze w której walczy (zarówno swojej jak i przeciwnika) konkretny taniec. Nie wolno deklarować po sobie tych samych tańców.
Ponieważ mordheim nie jest idealnym miejscem do tego typu walki tancerz po zadeklarowaniu danego tańca jest zobowiązany do zdania testu incjatywy. Nie zdany oznacza automatyczne wywrócenie (knock down)
Taniec siły: Na czas tego tańca postać dostaje +1 S do wszystkich swoich ataków
Taniec zwinności: na czas tego tańca postać dostaje +1 I
Taniec precyzji : na czas tego tańca postać dostaje +1 do WS

Ekwipunek : lista elfów

Zasady specjane: brak

0-1 Opiekun Lasu 50 gc

M5 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD8

Ekwipunek : lista elfów

Zasady specjalne:
Druid- startuje z jednym zakleńciem z magi druidzkiej
Opiekun drzewa: W 6 calach od niego treemen moze przerzucać test zamarcia i korzystac z jego LD
Orzywienie natury: Jeśli znaldzie się 2 cale od zamartego treemena może po udanym teście LD obudzić go (od tej pory treeman walczy normalnie)


Straznik polany 35 gc

M5 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD8

Ekwipunek : lista elfów

0-2 Zwiadowca 45

M5 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD8

Ekwipunek : lista elfów
Zasada specjalna:
Bardzo zwinny : moze przerzucać kazdy tes I podczas skoków i upadków.

0-3 Driada 50 gc

M4 WS4 BS0 S4 W1 T4 I3 A2 LD8

Ekwipunek: walczy gałęziami

Zasady specjalne:
1.Wzbudza strach
2.Ochrona od kory: Posiada armor save wysokości 5+
3.Łatwo palne- dostaje podwójne obrażenia od broni (czarów) ognistych
4.Nigdy nie używa zadnych broni. A jedynym ekwipunkiem jaki moze posiadac to Zioła Lecznicze.
5.Awansując na bochatera może wybrać jedynie skille Walki i Siłowe i Szybkościowe

Tree Kin (treemen) 210gc

M6 WS4 BS0 S5 T5 W3 I2 A3 Ld7

Ekwipunek: walczy gałęziami

Zasady specjalne:
Wzbudza strach
Ochrona od kory: Posiada armor save wysokości 5+
Zastygnięcie: Mordheim nie jest dobrym miejscem na przebywanie stworzenia które potrzebuje naturalnej podpory życiowej. Dlatego co turę treemen musi testować Ld i przy nieudanym teście zastyga zmieniając się w nieruchome drzewo. Od tej pory jest traktowany jako cel nieruchomy (wystarczy go za woundować) i nie może wykonywać żadnych akcji aż do przebudzenia (patrz Opiekun lasu)
Łatwo palny- dostaje podwójne obrażenia od broni (czarów) ognistych
Nie dostaje doświadczenia

Lista skillów:

Wysoko urodzony: Walki, Akademickie, Strzeleckie, Szybkościowe, Specjalne
Tancerz wojny Walki, Siłowe, Szybkościowe, Specjalne
Scaut Strzeleckie, Szybkościowe, Specjalne
Opiekun lasu Walki, Akademickie, Szybkościowe, Specjalne

Ekwipunek(lista elfów):


Nóż 2gc
Miecz 10 gc
Elfi miecz 20 gc
Włócznia 10 gc
Włucznia Elternal guard 35 gc
Laska 5 gc (tylko dla Opiekuna lasu)


Długi łuk 15 gc
Elfi łuk 30 gc
Oszczep 15 gc


Skórzana zbroja 5 gc
Tarcza 5 gc
Lekka zbroja 20 gc (tylko dla Wysoko urodzonego)

Ekwipunek (lista tancerzy wojny)
Nóż 2gc
Miecz 10 gc
Elfi miecz 20 gc
Włócznia 10 gc
Włucznia Elternal guard 35 gc


Zbroja skórzana 5 gc

Opis ekwipunków specjalnych:

Włucznia Elternal guard- Model zyskuje zasadę first strike i jest traktowany jakby walczył dwoma brońmi drzewcowymi.
Elfi miecz- doskonale wyważony miecz który zarówno może być używany jako dwuręczny jak i jednoręczny.

Skille specjalne:

Wirujący krąg (tylko dla tancerza wojny) – postac może zadeklarować specjalny atak który działa do początku następnej tury jego walki. Nie zależnie od tego z iloma postaciami walczy walka uznawana jest za nierostrzygniętą. (nikt nie wykonuje swoich ataków).

Elternal guard fighting style: używając włóczni Eteral guard postać zyskuje dodatkowo parowanie.

Smiercionośny strzał: Postać używając elfiego łuku strzelając na bliskim zasięgu trafia z wyjatkowa precyzja w swoich wrogów zadając krytyki na 5-6 a nie na 6.

Inflirtacja (niedostepne dla tancerzy wojny) - patrz skaveny

Strzał z ukrycia: Postać potrafi strzelać z ukrycia.. Jednak trafiony model może spróbować ją wykryć zdając test incjatywy.
Kamil. (miszczu)

Offline Necro

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #110 dnia: Marzec 17, 2007, 08:43:17 pm »
A Warband of Clan Skryre must include at least 3 models. You have 500 Warp tokens which you can use to recruit and equip your Warband. The maximum number of models is 20.

Warlock-Engineer   Your Warband must be lead by a Warlock-Engineer.
Engineers   Your Warband may include up to four Engineers.

Clanrats   Your Warband may include any number of Clanrats.
Skavenslaves   Your Warband may any number of Skavenslaves.
Carriers   Your Warband may include no more Carriers than you have Engineers, including the Warlock-Engineer.
Giant Rats   Your Warband may include any number of Giant Rats.
Rat Ogre   Your Warband may include a single Rat Ogre.

WARLOCK-ENGINEER......................60 Warp tokens
The fur of a Warlock is often white as he is a powerful individual and a born leader. They possess a heightened intellect and the diversity and ingenious of their weapons testify to that. The Warlock Engineers spend their days tinkering with arcane machinery powered by a combination of magic, Warpstone fuel and Warplightning.
Profile   M   WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   LD
Warlock-Engineer   5   3   4   3   3   1   5   1   6
Weapons and armour: The Warlock-Engineer may be armed with weapons and armour from the Engineer Equipment List, but may not wear armour as it interferes with his spell casting. He can also bring to battle one of the Engineers Inventions.
Leader: Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Warlock-Engineer may use his Leadership characteristic when taking any Leadership tests.
Wizard: The Warlock-Engineer is a level 1 Wizard.
Warplightning: Although Engineer is a Level 1 Wizard he cannot cast other spells than Warplightning. Warplightning has a difficulty 6+, 8+ or 10+. Nominate one model within 18’ of the caster. For the lowest difficulty level it affects only one model. Each next level allows the Warplightning to hit another model. When the first target is hit, choose the nearest model (friend or foe) within 4’ in the straight line which is also hit. Spell can affect maximum 3 models and cannot affect the same model twice. When there are no models in range the lightning just disappear and had no more effect. Each model affected by this spell takes D3 S3 hits.

0-4 ENGINEERS......................25 Warp tokens
Clan Skryre Engineers operate Clan Skryre weapons and warmachines. Engineers work very close with the Warlock Engineers in developing new weapons.
Profile   M   WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   LD
Engineer   5   3   3   3   3   1   4   1   5
Weapons and armour: The Engineers may be armed with weapons and armour from the Engineer Equipment List.

HENCHMEN (Bought in groups of 1-5)

CLANRATS................25 Warp tokens to recruit
Every Skaven Clan counts numerous numbers of Clanrats who make up the skilled working force as well as warriors in times of need. In times of need they are given a weapon and a shield and expected to fight for their clan. Those that survive a few battles from a rough militia, of course serving as a warrior grant you the right to feed on the fallen enemies so starvation is somewhat further away.
Profile   M   WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   LD
Clanrat   5   3   3   3   3   1   4   1   5
Weapons and armour: The Clanrats may be armed with weapons and armour from the Clanrat Equipment List.

SKAVENSLAVES...................10 Warp tokens to buy
One might think that Clan Skryres base is made up of their machineries, but as all clans they rely heavily on countless numbers of slaves. The machines can perform many tasks but are expensive and unreliable, the clan needs a steady stream of resources from their mines. Slaves die from exhaustion, suffocation or cave-ins working in the damp tunnels. In addition many slaves suffer an agonizing death being test subjects for new weapons or sent in to repair something inside a machine, that is still running! Few come out alive and many cogs and wheels display the colour of dried blood.
Profile   M   WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   LD
Skavenslave   5   2   2   3   3   1   5   1   4
Weapons and armour: The Skavenslaves may be armed with weapons and armour from the Clanrat Equipment List.

CARRIERS..............25 Warp tokens (Bought in groups of 1 model, number of groups may not exceed number of Engineers)
The Jezzails and Warp Fire Throwers are too cumbersome to be handled by a single Engineer so a Clanrat is employed to carry the fuel barrel or hold Jezzail rest as well as to defend the Engineer in battle.
Profile   M   WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   LD
Carrier   5   3   3   3   3   1   4   1   5
Weapons and armour: The Carrier may not be armed with additional weapons or armour.
Carriers: The Carriers are bought as groups of Henchmen consisting of a single model per group. You may not buy more Carriers than the Warband includes Engineers (including the leader). An Engineer equipped with a Jezzail or Warp Fire Thrower must join up with a Carrier and form a group.

GIANT RATS..............15 Warp tokens to buy
Clan Moulder breed and sell giant fierce rats, in battle they are used to overrun defenders and are followed by Clanrats who leap upon the remaining defenders.
Profile   M   WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   LD
Giant Rat   6   2   -   3   3   1   3   1   4
Weapons and armour: The Rats cannot use equipment or weapons.
Pack size: Giant Rats can be bought in groups as large as you wish.

0-1 RAT OGRE BODYGUARD......................215 Warp tokens to buy
The Warlock-Engineer has been very successful and has managed to afford a mighty Rat Ogre bodyguard for himself.
Profile   M   WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   LD
Rat Ogre   6   4   3   5   5   3   5   2   5
Weapons and armour: The Rat Ogre is armed with sizeable claws and cannot use weapons and armour, not that it needs them anyway.
Fear: The Rat Ogre is a huge and frightening monster which causes Fear.
Stupidity: A Rat Ogre is subject to Stupidity unless a Engineer is in base contact with it.

Hand-to-hand combat weapons:   
Dagger (1st free)   2 WT
Mace   3 WT
Hammer   3 WT
Axe   5 WT
Sword   5 WT
Halberd   10 WT
Flail   15 WT
Missile weapons:   
Warplock Pistol   30 WT(60 for a brace)
Hand gun   35 WT
Blunderbuss   35 WT
Engineers Weapons:   
(A model may only carry a single Engineer weapon and the numbers indicate the number of weapons that can be included in the Warband)   
0+ Poison Wind Globes   30 WT
0-1 Warpfire Thrower   60 WT
0-2 Jezzails   60 WT
Engineers Armour:   
Helmet   10 WT
Light Armour   20 WT
Warpstone fueled suit   60 WT

Engineers Inventions:   
Warp Blades   20 WT
Warp Energy Condenser   30 WT
Warp Power Accumulator   20 WT

Hand-to-hand combat weapons:   
Dagger (1st free)   2 WT
Mace   3 WT
Hammer   3 WT
Club   3 WT
Axe   5 WT
Sword   5 WT
Spear   10 WT
Missile weapons:   
Sling   2 WT
Shield   5 WT
Helmet   10 WT
Light Armour   20 WT
Clan Skryre have developed a number of frightening and effective weapons. Although many of them are fickle and indiscriminating the carnage and destruction they cause is impressive.
The Jezzail and Warp Fire Thrower are too cumbersome to be handled by a single Engineer so a Clanrat is employed to carry the fuel barrel or hold Jezzail rest.
Carriers: The Carriers are bought as groups of Henchmen consisting of a single model per group. You may not buy more Carriers than the Warband includes Engineers (including the leader). An Engineer equipped with a Jezzail or Warp Fire Thrower must join up with a Carrier and form a group.
A Warplock Jezzail is a longrifle that fire bullets made of Warpstone and lead fused together. They can punch through amour easier than a human handgun and the range and strength of it is even greater.
Range   Strength   Dam   Save
36"   5   1   -3
Shooting: The Jezzail takes a complete turn to reload, in addition the Jezzail is a cumbersome weapon that may not be moved and fired in the same turn.
Jezzail rest: If the Jezzail is fired without the Carrier providing the rest the shot is at -1 to hit, however the Engineer may use a window, fence, wall or other rest instead. The Carrier must be in base contact and in front of the Engineer to be able to provide the rest.

Many Warlocks carry the compact Warplock Pistol for their personal protection. Its punch is as great as the Jezzail but the range and strength is that of a pistol.
Range   Strength   Dam   Save
10"   5   1   -3
Shooting: The Warplock Pistol takes a full turn to reload so you may only fire it every other turn, if you have a brace of pistols you may fire every turn. All rules that apply to a normal pistol applies to the Warplock Pistol as well.

The Warpfire Thrower is a device that projects a flaming corrosive mixture, using Warpstone in conjunction with other chemicals and magic creates this volatile mixture. It is crewed by an Engineers that fires the weapon and a Clanrat to carry and pump the barrel of Warpfuel. This much-feared weapon is extremely deadly to both its foes and crew!
Range   Strength   Dam   Save
Large Template   5   1   -2
Movement: The fuel barrel is heavy and cumbersome so the weapon cannot be moved and fired in the same turn. Further the movement is restricted to moving only, no running or charging.
Unstable fuel: The fuel is highly unstable and the barrel is moved too fast or over bumpy terrain there is a great chanse that the fuel will ignite. The fuel barrel will explode on the D6 roll of 4+ if it is moved 9" or more in one turn or moved over difficult terrain. If the fuel explodes the crew and all models within 2" will take a D3 hits as if hit by the Warp Fire Throwers template.
Shooting: To fire the Warp Fire Thrower place the large teardrop template with the small end in base contact with the Engineer and the round end in the direction you wish to fire. Each model completely covered by the template is hit and models that are touching the template are hit on 4+. Each model hit takes a S5 hit with -2 armour save and may be set on fire. Once fired it takes a complete turn to build up the pressure for another shot.
Hand-to-hand combat: The crew of the Warp Fire Thrower are encumbered and fights with a penalty of -1 to WS. If a critical hit is scored on the Skaven carrying the fuel barrel the fuel barrel explodes on a D6 roll of 4+, just as if the barrel was moved 9" or more in one move.
Set on fire: Roll a D6 per model hit by the template a roll of 4+ set the model on fire and runs around screaming waving his blazing arms. A model on fire will move D6+3" in a random direction in its Movement Phase but may do nothing else. A model that is frenzied ignores the fire and may move and fight as normal, but will still take further damage. In the Recovery Phase roll a D6 and add +1 per friendly model in base contact that helps beat out the flames, on the roll of 6+ the fire is put out. If the fire is not put out the model takes a S5 hit with no armour save and the fire continues to burn. Test to see if the fire goes out in each Recovery Phase until the fire is out or the model goes Out of Action due to the damage sustained.

The Poison Wind is one of Clan Skryre's most infamous weapons, it is a poisonous gas created from Warpstone. It is normally sealed in a glass or crystal sphere and when the globe is shattered a noxious cloud of yellowish-green vapour billows out to fill the area around it with a deadly, choking gas. The Globadiers wear protective breathing devices but unprotected victims are not so lucky as the gas blisters the lungs and throat of anything that breathes it.
Shooting: A globe may be thrown up to a distance of 2+(Sx2)", but it will automatically deviate D3" in a random direction. If the scatter dice comes up a hit then the globe did in fact hit the mark and doesn't deviate, note that you don't roll to hit as normal.
Damage: Place the small template where the globe hit and each model touched by the template must roll equal to or under T or take a wound at +2 on the injury table or D6+3 if using the alternative combat system. Engineers only take a wound if they roll a 6 as they wear protective breathing masks.

The Warpstone fueled suit is latest discovery of Clan Skryre. It provides protection for the wearer and also gives him chance to bring deadly Chaingun into battle. But it is as dangerous to foes as to wearer. Only the bravest or most stupid from the Engineers decide to wear this suit in battle.
Warpstone fueled suit confers the wearer 5+ armour  save.
Vulnerable to blasts: Warpstone fuel as a highly flammable substance I very vulnerable to fire or bullets fired from blackpowdered weapons which can strike the spark and blew up fuel tank. When the model wearing warpstone powered fuel is hit by such weapon roll a D6. On a roll of 4 or higher the tank is destroyed and model cannot move or shoot with the Chaingun, but can still fight in close combat. Also place the small template with the center on wearer – each model under it takes a S3 hit treated as shooting flaming attack.
If the fuel was destroyed and you want to bring wearer into next battle you must pay 10WT to repair it or warpstone fueled suit will be lost. Suit cannot be repaired later than after the battle in which it was destroyed.
Warpstone Engine: To operate well the suit needs powerful engine. But (as other weapons and inventions of Clan Skryre) it sometimes doesn’t work properly. At the start of movement phase roll an Altillery Dice for each model wearing warpstone powered suit. Result on the dice is the maximum distance the model can move (maximum distance when charging or marching, to the normal move halve the result). When the Missfire is rolled this is sign that something go wrong. Roll the Scatter Dice and D6 – model makes a move in random direction. When the Hit is rolled model stands in place and is unable to make any move in this turn. Even if the suit suffers malfunction the wearer is able to fire the Chaingun.

Chaingun is a multiple barreled weapon driven by Warpfuel. This rapid-fire weapon can shoot great amount of ammunition but it is very inaccurate. Once launched it bursts until the cartridge is empty. When the model want to fire the Chaingun roll a D6 – on a roll of 1 it jams and no shots are fired. On a roll of 2 to 6 place the flame template in front of the wearer – all models that are touched by template are automatically hit. Models fully under the template are hit with S4 and those which are partially under it with S3. Roll to wound as normal.
Armour piercing: Due to high speed of bullets and their rending abilities Chaingun confers to armour piercing.


These arcane tools bonded with arms of the Engineers allows them to boost power of the Warplightning. Warplightning spell cast by Warlock-Engineer armed with the Warp Blades are resolved with S4 rather than normal S3.

This item is used co concentrate power of the lightning. Warlock-Engineer equipped with condenser can affect one more model than difficulty level of Warplightning allows.

This item decreases difficulty level of Warplightning by 1.

Nieco zmodyfikowana przeze mnie wizja bandy Skryre'a. Prosiłbym o jakąś konstruktywną opinię ludzi znających się lepiej ode mnie na Mordheimie... ;)

Offline Motorek

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #111 dnia: Marzec 17, 2007, 09:43:52 pm »
Przeleciałem na szybko, po pierwsze Skaven Slaves są za tani punktowo, nawet bym się nie zastanawiał gdyby ta banda była dopuszczona na turniej i wypchał ją po brzegi Slavami z procą i dwiema pałkami.
6 Ld na dowódcy w Mordheim bardzo boli, proponuję zwiększyć do 7.
4 bohaterów Enginnerów to trochę za dużo, zmniejszył bym do 2-3 i dodał innego wymyślonego bohatera np. Poisoned Wind Globadiera.
Przy Slavach dodać zapis, że nie mogą mieć Lets get a talent (nie pamiętam jak to się pisze) tak jak u gobosów niech giną w przypadku awansu na Herosa.
Rat Ogre gorszy od tego Eshinowego, lepsze 3 ataki z WS 3 niż 2 z 4 WS. Przy takich statach powinieneś lekko obniżyć jego koszt punktowy np. do 200.
Przydała by się lista umiejętności z których mogą korzystać bohaterowie i wymyślenie specjalnych skilli dla nich.
To tyle po szybkim przejrzeniu.

Offline Necro

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #112 dnia: Marzec 17, 2007, 09:52:22 pm »
No to tak... Slavsów się kupuje, więc nie dostają expa, więc nie awansują, to raz, dwa - co mi po 20 slave'ach z taką bronią, bo przecież limit bandy jest. Co oni zrobią z takim WSem i BSem? Rat Ogra faktycznie mógłbym dać takiego samego jak Eshinowy. A co do zdolności - nad tym będę jeszcze sporo posiedzę pewnie, więc jak skończę, to wrzucę całość. A poza tym jestem bardzo ciekawy poznania Waszej opini na temat wymyślonej przeze mnie zbroi (i od razu mówię - muszę jej jeszcze doszlifować zasady ruchu - albo nie będzie można w niej łazić po budynkach wcale albo będzie się coś ciekawego działo jak ze scattera wyleci za budynek i spadnie z niego... ;) )

Offline Motorek

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #113 dnia: Marzec 17, 2007, 10:03:50 pm »
Wiesz mi sporo potrafią, kumpel bandą opartą na Sigmarite Novices wygrał turniej. Tego, że nie zdobywają doświadczenia nie doczytałem w Twoim poście, dlatego zasugerowałem, żeby nie mogli awansować na bohaterów, IMO mogliby się rozwijać.

Offline Necro

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #114 dnia: Marzec 17, 2007, 10:05:38 pm »
Nie, nie mogą... Są za głupi na to.  :badgrin:

Offline Mistrz wałków :)

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #115 dnia: Marzec 18, 2007, 01:14:49 am »
Moje uwagi to:

1.Jakie jest począkowy pułap doswiadczenia na bochaterach??
2.Flamery za silne i nie nadają się do mordcheim. Gracze którzy mieli stycznosc z blunnderbusem z S3 wiedza ile on moze zdziałać.
3.Dziwi mnie I5 na slavach - nie jestem w stanie sobie tego wytłumaczyć (4 by w zupełności wystarczyła).

Pozdrawiam Kamil
Kamil. (miszczu)

Offline Necro

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #116 dnia: Marzec 18, 2007, 09:58:29 am »
O, dzięki za przypomnienie... 20 Warlock-Engineer i 8 zwykli Engineerowie.
A co do inicjatywy Slavesów - fakt, pomyłka ma być 4... :roll:
A co do flamerów - flamer jest jeden. Drugie to coś w rodzaju ratlinga - ale też strzela flame templatem. A powiedz mi, co w nich jest aż takiego przegiętego? Przecież to ma o wiele mniejszy zasięg od Blunderbussa... No a poza tym, pomysł na miotacz ognia jest zapożyczony, jeszcze nad nim popracuję i wrzucę niedługo porawioną wersję. ;)

Offline Mistrz wałków :)

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #117 dnia: Marzec 18, 2007, 09:17:33 pm »
Juz tłumaczę.. Sprint leap i strzał z flama.. I mało kto stoi na nagach po uderzeniu z S5!! A jak wstana to powtórka z rozrywki.

Blunderbassy są dlatego wywazone że strzelaja dosyc wąska wiazka, raz na gre z S3.. Co powoduje że stzrzelanie nimi do modeli z T4 ma nie wielki efekt.

Z czasem grajac w tą gre zauwazysz ze nie taki straszny ten blunder i nie trzeba sie go panicznie bać.. Co innego flame z S5 który moze pokryć (średnica na końcu to az 3 cale) połowę bandy wroga!!


Brakuje jeszcze tabelki dostepnosci do skilli.
Kamil. (miszczu)

Offline Necro

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #118 dnia: Marzec 22, 2007, 07:34:32 am »
Dobra, wersja bandki Skryre'a v. 1.0.1... Zapraszam do lektury...

A Warband of Clan Skryre must include at least 3 models. You have 500 Warp tokens which you can use to recruit and equip your Warband. The maximum number of models is 20.

Master-Engineer Your Warband must be lead by a Master-Engineer.
Engineers Your Warband may include up to four Engineers.
Stormvermins Your Warband may include up to two Stormvermins

Clanrats Your Warband may include any number of Clanrats.
Skavenslaves Your Warband may any number of Skavenslaves.
Carriers Your Warband may include no more Carriers than you have Engineers, including the Warlock-Engineer.
Giant Rats Your Warband may include any number of Giant Rats.
Rat Ogre Your Warband may include a single Rat Ogre.


MASTER-ENGINEER......................65 Warp tokens
The fur of a Warlock is often white as he is a powerful individual and a born leader. They possess a heightened intellect and the diversity and ingenious of their weapons testify to that. The Warlock Engineers spend their days tinkering with arcane machinery powered by a combination of magic, Warpstone fuel and Warplightning.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Master-Engineer 5 3 4 3 3 1 5 1 7
Weapons and armour: The Warlock-Engineer may be armed with weapons and armour from the Engineer Equipment List, but may not wear armour as it interferes with his spell casting. He can also bring to battle one of the Engineers Inventions.
Leader: Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Master-Engineer may use his Leadership characteristic when taking any Leadership tests.
Wizard: The Master-Engineer for game terms is treated as a level 1 Wizard.
Warplightning: Although Engineer is a Level 1 Wizard he cannot cast other spells than Warplightning. Warplightning has a difficulty 6+, 8+ or 10+. Nominate one model within 18’ of the caster. For the lowest difficulty level it affects only one model. Each next level allows the Warplightning to hit another model. When the first target is hit, choose the nearest model (friend or foe) within 4’ in the straight line which is also hit. Spell can affect maximum 3 models and cannot affect the same model twice. When there are no models in range the lightning just disappear and has no more effect. Each model affected by this spell takes D3 S3 hits. Also the Warplightning is rather produced by his equipment than Warlock-Engineer himself he can cast it even if he is wearing armour.
Starting experience: Warlock-Engineer starts with 20 experience.

0-4 ENGINEERS......................25 Warp tokens
Clan Skryre Engineers operate Clan Skryre weapons and warmachines. Engineers work very close with the Warlock Engineers in developing new weapons.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Engineer 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5
Weapons and armour: The Engineers may be armed with weapons and armour from the Engineer Equipment List.
Starting experience: Engineer starts with 8 experience.

0-2 STORMVERMINS......................3 5 Warp tokens
Stormvermins are stronger and bigger than Clanrats. Stormvermins are much less in numbers than they smaller cousins but they make up for this with their strength and abilities. Engineers of Clan Skryre are sometimes protected by Stormvermins who are great leaders of Clanrats and Slaves hordes.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Engineer 5 4 3 3 3 1 5 1 6
Weapons and armour: The Stormvermins may be armed with weapons and armour from the Stormvermin Equipment List.
Starting experience: Stormvermin starts with 8 experience.

HENCHMEN (Bought in groups of 1-5)
Starting experience: Henchmen starts with 0 experience.

CLANRATS................25 Warp tokens to recruit
Every Skaven Clan counts numerous numbers of Clanrats who make up the skilled working force as well as warriors in times of need. In times of need they are given a weapon and a shield and expected to fight for their clan. Those that survive a few battles from a rough militia, of course serving as a warrior grant you the right to feed on the fallen enemies so starvation is somewhat further away.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Clanrat 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5
Weapons and armour: The Clanrats may be armed with weapons and armour from the Clanrat Equipment List.

SKAVEN SLAVES...................10 Warp tokens to buy
One might think that Clan Skryres base is made up of their machineries, but as all clans they rely heavily on countless numbers of slaves. The machines can perform many tasks but are expensive and unreliable, the clan needs a steady stream of resources from their mines. Slaves die from exhaustion, suffocation or cave-ins working in the damp tunnels. In addition many slaves suffer an agonizing death being test subjects for new weapons or sent in to repair something inside a machine, that is still running! Few come out alive and many cogs and wheels display the colour of dried blood.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Skaven slave 5 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 4
Weapons and armour: The Skaven slaves may be armed with weapons and armour from the Clanrat Equipment List.
Expendable: Clanrat slaves are too numerous and no one pays attention to their lives. They don’t count when calculating the rout test – it is unimportant how many of them has died.

CARRIERS..............25 Warp tokens (Bought in groups of 1 model, number of groups may not exceed number of Engineers)
The Jezzails and Warp Fire Throwers are too cumbersome to be handled by a single Engineer so a Clanrat is employed to carry the fuel barrel or hold Jezzail rest as well as to defend the Engineer in battle.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Carrier 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5
Weapons and armour: The Carrier may not be armed with additional weapons or armour.
Carriers: The Carriers are bought as groups of Henchmen consisting of a single model per group. You may not buy more Carriers than the Warband includes Engineers (including the leader). An Engineer equipped with a Jezzail or Warp Fire Thrower must join up with a Carrier and form a group.

GIANT RATS..............10 Warp tokens to buy
Clan Moulder breed and sell giant fierce rats, in battle they are used to overrun defenders and are followed by Clanrats who leap upon the remaining defenders.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Giant Rat 6 2 - 3 3 1 3 1 4
Weapons and armour: The Rats cannot use equipment or weapons.
Pack size: Giant Rats can be bought in groups as large as you wish.
Expendable: As the Clanrat slaves Giant Rats takes last place in the hierarchy and their lives doesn’t matter. They don’t count when calculating the rout test – it is unimportant how many of them has died.

0-1 RAT OGRE BODYGUARD......................215 Warp tokens to buy
The Warlock-Engineer has been very successful and has managed to afford a mighty Rat Ogre bodyguard for himself.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Rat Ogre 6 3 3 5 5 3 5 3 5
Weapons and armour: The Rat Ogre is armed with sizeable claws and cannot use weapons and armour, not that it needs them anyway.
Fear: The Rat Ogre is a huge and frightening monster which causes Fear.
Stupidity: A Rat Ogre is subject to Stupidity unless a Engineer is in base contact with it.

Hand-to-hand combat weapons:
Dagger (1st free) 2 WT
Mace 3 WT
Hammer 3 WT
Axe 5 WT
Sword 5 WT
Halberd 10 WT
Flail 15 WT
Missile weapons:
Warplock Pistol 30 WT(60 for a brace)
Hand gun 35 WT
Blunderbuss 35 WT
Engineers Weapons:
(A model may only carry a single Engineer weapon and the numbers indicate the number of weapons that can be included in the Warband)
0+ Poison Wind Globes 30 WT
0-1 Warpfire Thrower 40 WT
0-2 Jezzails 60 WT
Engineers Armour:
Helmet 10 WT
Light Armour 20 WT
Warpstone fueled suit 50 WT

Engineers Inventions:
Warp Blades 30 WT
Warp Energy Condenser 30 WT
Warp Power Accumulator 20 WT

Hand-to-hand combat weapons:
Dagger (1st free) 2 WT
Mace 3 WT
Hammer 3 WT
Club 3 WT
Axe 5 WT
Sword 5 WT
Spear 10 WT
Double- handed weapon 15 WT
Missile weapons:
Pistol 15 WT (30 for a brace)
Sling 2 WT
Shield 5 WT
Helmet 10 WT
Light Armour 20 WT
Heavy Armour 50 WT

Hand-to-hand combat weapons:
Dagger (1st free) 2 WT
Mace 3 WT
Hammer 3 WT
Club 3 WT
Axe 5 WT
Sword 5 WT
Spear 10 WT
Missile weapons:
Sling 2 WT
Shield 5 WT
Helmet 10 WT
Light Armour 20 WT

Clan Skryre have developed a number of frightening and effective weapons. Although many of them are fickle and indiscriminating the carnage and destruction they cause is impressive.

The Jezzail and Warp Fire Thrower are too cumbersome to be handled by a single Engineer so a Clanrat is employed to carry the fuel barrel or hold Jezzail rest.
Carriers: The Carriers are bought as groups of Henchmen consisting of a single model per group. You may not buy more Carriers than the Warband includes Engineers (including the leader). An Engineer equipped with a Jezzail or Warp Fire Thrower must join up with a Carrier and form a group.

A Warplock Jezzail is a longrifle that fire bullets made of Warpstone and lead fused together. They can punch through amour easier than a human handgun and the range and strength of it is even greater.
Range Strength Dam Save
36" 5 1 -3
Shooting: The Jezzail takes a complete turn to reload, in addition the Jezzail is a cumbersome weapon that may not be moved and fired in the same turn.
Jezzail rest: If the Jezzail is fired without the Carrier providing the rest the shot is at -1 to hit, however the Engineer may use a window, fence, wall or other rest instead. The Carrier must be in base contact and in front of the Engineer to be able to provide the rest.

Many Warlocks carry the compact Warplock Pistol for their personal protection. Its punch is as great as the Jezzail but the range and strength is that of a pistol.
Range Strength Dam Save
10" 5 1 -3
Shooting: The Warplock Pistol takes a full turn to reload so you may only fire it every other turn, if you have a brace of pistols you may fire every turn. All rules that apply to a normal pistol applies to the Warplock Pistol as well.

The Warpfire Thrower is a device that projects a flaming corrosive mixture, using Warpstone in conjunction with other chemicals and magic creates this volatile mixture. It is crewed by an Engineers that fires the weapon and a Clanrat to carry and pump the barrel of Warpfuel. This much-feared weapon is extremely deadly to both its foes and crew!
Range Strength Dam Save
Large Template 3 1 -1
Movement: The fuel barrel is heavy and cumbersome so the weapon cannot be moved and fired in the same turn. Further the movement is restricted to moving only, no running or charging.
Unstable fuel: The fuel is highly unstable and the barrel is moved too fast or over bumpy terrain there is a great chanse that the fuel will ignite. The fuel barrel will explode on the D6 roll of 4+ if it is moved 9" or more in one turn or moved over difficult terrain. If the fuel explodes place the small template with the center on wearer – each model under it takes a S3 hit treated as shooting flaming attack.
Shooting: To fire the Warp Fire Thrower place the large teardrop template with the small end in base contact with the Engineer and the round end in the direction you wish to fire. Each model completely covered by the template is hit and models that are touching the template are hit on 4+. Each model hit takes a S3 hit with -1 armour save and may be set on fire. Once fired it takes a complete turn to build up the pressure for another shot.
Hand-to-hand combat: The crew of the Warp Fire Thrower are encumbered and fights with a penalty of -1 to WS. If a critical hit is scored on the Skaven carrying the fuel barrel the fuel barrel explodes on a D6 roll of 4+, just as if the barrel was moved 9" or more in one move.

The Poison Wind is one of Clan Skryre's most infamous weapons, it is a poisonous gas created from Warpstone. It is normally sealed in a glass or crystal sphere and when the globe is shattered a noxious cloud of yellowish-green vapour billows out to fill the area around it with a deadly, choking gas. The Globadiers wear protective breathing devices but unprotected victims are not so lucky as the gas blisters the lungs and throat of anything that breathes it.
Shooting: A globe may be thrown up to a distance of 2+(Sx2)", but it will automatically deviate D3" in a random direction. If the scatter dice comes up a hit then the globe did in fact hit the mark and doesn't deviate, note that you don't roll to hit as normal.
Damage: Place the small template where the globe hit and each model touched by the template must roll equal to or under T or take a wound at +2 on the injury table or D6+3 if using the alternative combat system. Engineers only take a wound if they roll a 6 as they wear protective breathing masks.

The Warpstone fueled suit is latest discovery of Clan Skryre. It provides protection for the wearer and also gives him chance to bring deadly Chaingun into battle. But it is as dangerous to foes as to wearer. Only the bravest or most stupid from the Engineers decide to wear this suit in battle.
Warpstone fueled suit confers the wearer 5+ armour save.
Vulnerable to blasts: Warpstone fuel as a highly flammable substance I very vulnerable to fire or bullets fired from blackpowdered weapons which can strike the spark and blew up fuel tank. When the model wearing warpstone powered fuel is hit by such weapon roll a D6. On a roll of 4 or higher the tank is destroyed and model cannot move or shoot with the Chaingun, but can still fight in close combat. Also place the small template with the center on wearer – each model under it takes a S3 hit treated as shooting flaming attack.
If the fuel was destroyed and you want to bring wearer into next battle you must pay 10WT to repair it or warpstone fueled suit will be lost. Suit cannot be repaired later than after the battle in which it was destroyed.
Warpstone Engine: To operate well the suit needs powerful engine. But (as other weapons and inventions of Clan Skryre) it sometimes doesn’t work properly. At the start of movement phase roll an Altillery Dice for each model wearing warpstone powered suit. Result on the dice is the maximum distance the model can move (maximum distance when charging or marching, to the normal move halve the result). When the Missfire is rolled this is sign that something go wrong. Roll the Scatter Dice and D6 – model makes a move in random direction. When the Hit is rolled model stands in place and is unable to make any move in this turn. Even if the suit suffers malfunction the wearer is able to fire the Chaingun.

Chaingun is a multiple barreled weapon driven by Warpfuel. This rapid-fire weapon can shoot great amount of ammunition but it is very inaccurate. Once launched it bursts until the cartridge is empty. When the model want to fire the Chaingun roll a D6 – on a roll of 1 it jams and no shots are fired. On a roll of 2 to 6 place the flame template in front of the wearer – all models that are touched by template are automatically hit. Models fully under the template are hit with S3 and those which are partially under it with S2. Roll to wound as normal.
Armour piercing: Due to high speed of bullets and their rending abilities Chaingun confers to armour piercing.


These arcane tools bonded with arms of the Engineers allows them to boost power of the Warplightning. Warplightning spell cast by Warlock-Engineer armed with the Warp Blades are resolved with S4 rather than normal S3. Warp Blades can be also used in other way – they provide such strength to one arm that Engineer can cast the Warplightning with basic strength using one hand and operate another missile weapon with his second hand. If he decide to use it in this way he is free to choose another closest target to shoot at.

This item is used co concentrate power of the lightning. Warlock-Engineer equipped with condenser can affect one more model than difficulty level of Warplightning allows.

This item decreases difficulty level of Warplightning by 1.

Skill Combat Shooting Academic Strength Speed Engineery
Master-Engineer - + + - + +
Engineer - + - - + +
Stormvermin + - - + + -

Engineery skills:

Technomancer – Only the most crazed of the engineers decide to equip themselves with more engineering inventions that they should. The energy flowing through their bodies is so strong that they never can change their implements – they are simply too strong connected with them. Master-Engineer which takes that skill is allowed to bring to battle one more engineering invention than allowed. Engineer taking this skill must buy Warp blades. When he do so he will be able to cast Warplightning as the Master-Engineer with all consequences of that, but he will not be granted with bonuses of blades – he can’t use other weapon and the blades won’t modify strength of spell.

Sharp shooter – Engineers (and Master-Engineers, of course) sometimes are masters of firing Jezzails and Warplock pistols. Model with this skill can choose any one model for target and doesn’t suffer from the range penalty when shooting with Jezzail.

KABOOOM! – Engineers loves to detonate everything that stands on their way. They bring into battle enough explosives to blew up a small piece of wall. At the start of the movement phase Engineer with this skill can decide to set up explosives onto the wall. Place he small template in place where the explosives was set. Move Engineer that he won’t touch the template as he knew that he must move for the safe distance. Then mark place when the explosives was detonate – from now there will be man-sized hole in the wall which can be passed by all models up to human size. Engineer can’t detonate his explosives if there are any models in range of explosion when he decided to do it. One exception is another Engineer with this skill – he know that he must run when the explosives are set. Move him as the Engineer who set up explosives.

Handy-Man – Engineer with this skill is very talented in fast repairs. He can do them even in the battle. When he is armed with Warp fueled suit he can reroll the Artillery dice when determining how suit works but must accept the second result even if it worse. If he doesn’t choose to reroll the Artillery dice he can reroll the dice when his Chaingun jams. In addition to that between battles he is able to make repairs of all items which needs engineering skills (eg. blackpowdered weapons). If model with this skill isn’t taken out of action it can repair one item chosen by player.

Bio-engineery – Some engineers try to use technology to increase their physical abilities. There are three operations that engineer can choose – operation of eye (he adds +6’ when determining if he see hidden enemies), legs (he adds +1’ to his movement) or arms (he is able to operate Jezzail and Warpfire thrower by himself but he is so slow that he suffers –1’ to movement). When engineer who was badly hurt in such body parts in previous battles and decides to take operation regenerates his lost limb or sight due to high degree of replacing his vital parts with mechanical implants. Each engineer can only choose this skill once – the operations are so dangerous that everyone who survives it will never decide to have another.

No i na samym początku coś ode mnie - dodałem zasadę Expendable, bo wydaje mi się, że osłabia znacznie modele, które ją mają (przez to wreszcie cena 10 WT za Slavesa zdaje mi się odpowiednia... Wink ) bo można je bezkarnie zarzynać a i tak ich śmierć nie liczy się do routa, poza tym ogranicza nieco PG, bo gdyby się komuś zamarzyło zrobić armię z Master-Engineerem i 19toma Slavesami - Master dostaje kulkę i w następnej turze mamy routa na 4 Ld. Laughing Poza tym, zgodnie z podpowiedziami dodałem jeszcze Stormvermina jako bohatera do walki wręcz i poprawiłem kilka błędów. To chyba tyle, jeżeli dobrnęliście tutaj proszę o ocenę i konstruktywną krytykę.

Offline Ushabti

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #119 dnia: Marzec 22, 2007, 08:12:10 am »
Dobra... Zupełnie mi się nie podoba!!!
Sorki, ale ta banda jest bardziej przegięta niż sprężyna w zegarze. Policz ładnie ile Jezzaili mogę wystawić już na starcie gry. Dużo, nie? Nawet piratom pozwolono tylko na jedna armatkę i to tez po ładnym koszcie. Ja wiem, że miło jest mocno strzelać...
7 herosów to troche za dużo nawet jak na zasady podręcznikowe gry. Ja wiem, że miło jest dużo zarabiać...
Lider tani jak barszcz a robi rozwałkę samymi czarami. Podobnie z warpfire thrower`em. Ja wiem, że miło jest skutecznie wybijać przeciwników masowo...
Rozpiska ładna... można z niej zrobić wszystko, brak w niej (niemal) słabych stron, ogólnie wymiata. Ja wiem, że fajnie jest jak banda sama gra za gracza...
Ale właśnie dlatego, że wiem jakie to fajne w życiu nie zgodziłbym się na jej wystawienie nawet, gdyby to była towarzyska potyczka, a przeciwnik jechał na underdog`u. Przy takich rozpiskach następna jakiej mógłbym się spodziewać, to banda Space Marrines w Lheman Russ`ie.
Wybacz, ale zupełnie, zupełnie mi się nie podoba: nie ma klimatu, polotu, jest przepakowana, niedopracowana i... nie podałeś jej źródła (a ponoć znalazłeś ją na sieci).

Stara zasada mówi najpierw pochwal, potem krytykuj, ale naprawdę nie znalazłem nic, co warto w niej pochwalić :?
url=]Serwis społeczności Mordheim[/url]

