Autor Wątek: Własne Projekty Warband  (Przeczytany 51472 razy)

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Offline Mistrz wałków :)

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #135 dnia: Czerwiec 15, 2007, 12:32:19 am »
Banda arabów na "moje oko" bardzo wywarzona i naprawde sesnownie zrobiona. U mnie ma pełna akceptacje:)
Jedyne do czego mozna sie przyczepić to ten zasieg 3xS broni rzucanych. A w szczególności nozy! Daje nam to w połaczeniu z eagle aye koszmarny zasieg nawet do 21 cali (4S + 1S z narkotyków), a to w połaczeniu z nozownikem tworzy za silna postać :(
Kamil. (miszczu)

Offline Nehan

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #136 dnia: Czerwiec 25, 2007, 04:48:48 pm »
nie mojego autorstwa, natknąłem się szukając chadecji do mordki (bo mi głupio przez tych wikingów Embarassed ). nie wiem, czy jest przegięta, mam nadzieję, że jest idealna, bo to moje ulubione stronnictwo w warhamcu

Special Rules

Hard To Kill. Chaos Dwarves are tough, resilient individuals born in a harsh world where only the strongest survive. They can only be taken out of action on a roll of a 6 on the injury chart.

Hard Head. Chaos Dwarves ignore the special rules for maces, clubs etc, they’re not easy to knock out.

Armour. Chaos Dwarves never suffer movement penalties for wearing armour.

Hate Dwarves. After centuries of separation and isolation from the ancient homelands of the dwarves the chaos dwarves harbour a deep hatred towards all other dwarves.

Slavers. Chaos Dwarves see all other races as inferior worthy only of enslaving. At the end of the game if the Chaos Dwarves are in charge of the field any enemy henchman that was taken out of action and subsequently rolls as dead on the injury chart may be taken as a slave by the Chaos Dwarves. On a D6 roll of 4 or more he is shipped back to Zharr Naggrund where end his days either toiling in the hellish workshops or as a sacrifice to the Father of Darkness Hashut in return for which the warband receives 10+D6 Gold Crowns from their sponsoring Lord.

Equipment lists

Chaos Dwarves

Hand to Hand

Dagger……………………….1st free/2gc
Double Handed Weapon…………...15gc
Obsidian Weapon…………..2 times cost

Missile Weapons



Light Armour………………………20gc
Heavy Armour……………………..50gc


Hand to Hand

Dagger……………………….1st free/2gc
Poisoned Dagger…………………...35gc

Missile Weapons



Light Armour………………………20gc

Skill Table

Immortal: Combat, Shooting, Strength, Special
Sorcerer: Combat, Academic, Strength, Special
Bull Centaur: Combat, Strength Special
Retainer: Combat, Shooting, Strength, Special

Choice of warriors

A Chaos Dwarf warband must include a minimum of 3 models. You have 500 gold crowns which you can recruit and equip your warband. The maximum number of warriors in a Chaos Dwarf warband is 12

Immortal: Each Chaos Dwarf warband must have one Immortal, no more no less

Sorcerer: Your warband may include up to 1 Sorcerer

Bull Centaur: Your warband may include up to 1 Bull Centaur

Retainers: Your warband may include up to 2 retainers

Warriors: Your warband may include any number of Chaos Dwarf warriors

Hobgoblins: Your warband may include any number of Hobgoblins but you may never have more Hobgoblins than Chaos Dwarves.

Starting experience

An Immortal starts with 20 experience.

A Sorcerer starts with 10 experience.

A Bull Centaur starts with 12 experience.

Retainers start with 8 experience.

Warriors start with 0 experience.

Hobgoblins start with 0 experience.Heroes

1 Chaos Dwarf Immortal
85 Gold Crowns to hire
Chaos Dwarf Immortals are evil and twisted parodies of their more noble cousins that are a more familiar sight in the Empire. Entrusted by their masters the priests of Hashut at Zharr Naggrund they have been tasked with scouting the ruined city of Mordheim and to bring back slaves and Wyrdstone. Immortals are cruel masters devoted to their lords and lead their warbands for the greater Glory of Hashut.


Weapons/Armour: A Chaos Dwarf Immortal may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Chaos Dwarf Equipment List.

Special Rules

Leader: Any model within 6 inches of the Chaos Dwarf Immortal may use his Leadership instead of their own.

0-1 Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer
50 Gold Crowns to hire
The sorcerers accompanying the warbands into Mordheim are still comparatively young and are just starting their journey into learning the forbidden arts therefore they are so far untouched by the curse of stone that afflicts their masters.


Weapons/Armour: A Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Chaos Dwarf Equipment List. However if armour is worn he may no longer cast spells.

Special Rules

Wizard: The Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer is a Wizard and uses The Lore of the Furnace.

Curse of Stone: As a Chaos Dwarf sorcerer makes use of magic his body slowly changes, gradually turning to stone until he becomes an immobile statue the likes of which are then used to line the road to the Temple of Hashut in Zharr Naggrund. Each time a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer rolls on the Advances table he must also roll an extra 2D6. On a roll of 2 the Sorcerer begins to be affected by the curse of stone. This increases his Toughness by 1 point but also reduces his movement by 1. This may take the Sorcerer above the racial maximum for toughness. If the Sorcerer’s movement is reduced to 0 then he is sent back to Zharr Naggrund and is removed along with his equipment from the roster.

0-1 Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaur
125 Gold Crowns to Hire
Bull Centaurs are the living embodiment of the god Hashut, they are guardians of the temples and greatest of his servants. They are proficient and fierce fighters who use their bulk and speed to lend them great strength when attacking; it is a brave or foolish warrior who stands his ground in the face of such a charge.


Weapons/Armour: A Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaur may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Chaos Dwarf Equipment List.

Special Rules

Cause Fear: The Bull Centaur is a large and frightening individual and causes fear as described in the Mordheim Rule Book

Bull Charge: The Bull Centaur combines the battle prowess of an elite Chaos Dwarf warrior with the unstoppable brute force of a charging bull. If the Bull Centaur charges into combat his Strength is increased by 2 for that round of combat. This bonus is cumulative with any other bonuses (e.g. 2 handed weapon)

0-2 Chaos Dwarf Retainer
45 Gold Crowns to hire
Trusted retainers of the Immortal’s household accompany him while he is away from Zharr Naggrund. As well as being an accomplished warrior and fiercely loyal to his household the retainer acts on behalf of the Immortal in all trading and negotiations.


Weapons/Armour: A Chaos Dwarf Retainer may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Chaos Dwarf Equipment List.

Special Rules

Shrewd: The retainer acts on behalf of the warband in all trading issues and always gets the best deal even (or especially) if negotiations are at the blade of an axe. For each retainer in the warband that was not taken out of action during the game add 1 to any rolls to find rare items

Chaos Dwarf Warriors
40 Gold Crowns to hire
Chaos Dwarf Warriors who have joined the expeditions to Mordheim in the hope of finding glory and wealth in the service of the Immortals sent by the great Lords of Zharr Naggrund.


Weapons/Armour: A Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Chaos Dwarf Equipment List.

15 Gold Crowns to hire
Though not trusted Hobgoblins have proved useful to Chaos Dwarves. Their sneaky and backstabbing nature is particularly suited to the dark and claustrophobic streets of the ruined city.


Weapons/Armour: A Hobgoblin may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Hobgoblin Equipment List.

Special Rules

Not Trusted. There may never be more Hobgoblins in the warband than Chaos Dwarves. If due to injury Hobgoblins outnumber the remaining chaos dwarves in the warband then the appropriate number of Hobgoblins must be taken off the roster and equipment returned to the stash.

Hobgoblin Skills: Should a Hobgoblin roll “The Lad’s got Talent” then he may pick from the combat, shooting or speed skills or one of the skills listed below.

Sneaky Git: Hobgoblins are especially good at sneaking round and then attacking from an unexpected quarter. If the character is hidden at the start of his turn he may declare charge against an enemy and gains a +1 on the roll to hit for that round of combat.

Infiltration: The character may infiltrate as described by the Skaven skill in the main rulebook.

Special weapons

Obsidian Weapons
3 times weapon cost
Availability: Rare 11 (Chaos Dwarves Only)
Chaos Dwarves sorcerers craft weapons from the molten lava taken directly from the hearts of volcanoes. These weapons constantly radiate with the intense heat that has been captured within it.

All attacks with an obsidian weapon count as fire based attacks. In addition due to the blistering heat contained in the weapon +1 is added to all rolls on the injury chart.

Poisoned Knife
35 Gold Crowns
Availability: Rare 8
Counts as a dagger permanently coated with Black Lotus Poison
Range: Close Combat Strength: As user Special Rules: +1 to enemy armour save.

Chaos Dwarf Special Skills

Thick Skull
The hero has a thick skull, even for a dwarf. He has a 3+ save on a D6 to avoid being stunned. If the save is made, treat a stunned result as knocked down instead. If the Chaos Dwarf also wears a helmet, this save is 2+ instead of 3+ (this takes the place of the normal Helmet special rule).

Furnace Forged
Long association with the fires and furnaces of Zharr Naggrund has made Chaos Dwarves resistant to heat, the hero is immune to all fire based spells and attacks.

Thick Skinned
During his time both on the battle field and in the forges of Zharr Naggrund the hero has accumulated so much scar tissue that his skin is particularly hard to pierce. The Hero is considered to have a 6+

Favoured of Hashut
The hero has uncanny luck in combat and is surely blessed by the Father of Darkness. Once per battle the character may make an extra saving throw of 4+ which may not be modified for any reason.

Bull Roar
When charging into combat the hero lets out a terrifying roar like an enraged bull. When the hero declares charge against an enemy that enemy must pass a fear test or is will require 6 to hit for the first round of combat. Note: The character with this skill does not “cause fear” and enemies may still declare a charge against the hero without having to take a fear test.

Lore of the Furnace

1. Furnace Blast----Difficulty 9
The sorcerer creates a fiery blast of heat which he directs towards his enemies burning everything in its path.
Draw a line 12” from the Sorcerer in any direction. Any model that touches the line takes a St4 hit which count as a flaming attack.

2. Forge Hammer----Difficulty 8
The Sorcerer hurls a magical bolt with the force of a forge hammer striking an anvil.
Spell may be cast on any enemy model within 18” and line of sight. The target takes a St5 hit and is knocked D3” away from the Sorcerer.

3. Fires of the Forge----Difficulty 6
The Sorcerer begins to glow with the heat of molten metal creating an aura of intense heat and light around him.
All models friend or foe within 6” take a St3 hit which count as a flaming attack.

4. Melting blade----Difficulty 7
The Sorcerer selects an enemy to cast his spell at and the weapon in his hand suddenly heats up and begins to melt.
The Chaos Dwarf player picks one weapon held by an enemy within 12”. This weapon is melted beyond use and considered destroyed. The player must pass an Initiative test to see if the character drops his weapon quickly or take a St3 hit with no save allowed.

5. Molten Eruption----Difficulty 10
At the behest of the sorcerer a huge pool of molten metal erupts out of the ground burning anyone caught in the middle of it.
Place the small template from the anywhere within 8” of the sorcerer any model caught beneath it will take a St8 hit, any model partially under will be hit on a roll of 4 or more on a D6. This spell will only affect models on the ground, if a model is mounted (Horse, cart, stagecoach etc.) then it is the mount that takes the hit.

6. Wall of Fire----Difficulty 7
The sorcerer raises a wall of raging fire between the Chaos Dwarves and their enemies.
Place a marker 6 inches long anywhere within 18” and line of sight of the Sorcerer. No model may voluntarily cross this line. Any model that is forced to cross the line due to compulsory or random movement rules takes a St3 hit which counts as a flaming attack. The fire also blocks line of sight and lasts until the beginning of the Chaos Dwarf Players next turn.

a jeśli chodzi o arabię - mi się osobiście nie podoba :oops: , ale to głównie z przyczyn jak najbardziej subiektywnych - osobistego spojrzenia i własnego fluffu tego obszaru (jak się stworzyło swego czasu arabów do batla, to człowiek tak ma)

Offline Slimak78

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #137 dnia: Czerwiec 25, 2007, 05:03:41 pm »
Na moje oko banda BARDZO podobna do beastmanow. Lecz posiada bronie strzeleckie... Nie wydaje się być jakaś super. Jednak nie jestem skłonny do testowania. Nie podobają mi sie figurki ;) Czary mi nie zabardzo pasuja. Osobisceie wykorzystałbym rytualy chaosu.

Edit: po dokładniejszym przeczytaniu banda jest przekozaczona. Hobgobliny kosztujące 15 a jakoscia dorownujace zołnierzowi ludzkiemu za 35 to przegiecie.
rank, Franek, Franko ew. inne odmiany [WZMF]

Offline Musley

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Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #138 dnia: Czerwiec 25, 2007, 05:04:26 pm »
Figurki CD to sen wariata.

Offline Nehan

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #139 dnia: Czerwiec 25, 2007, 05:09:12 pm »
Jestem wariatem!

Offline Zielony

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #140 dnia: Czerwiec 25, 2007, 05:50:39 pm »
odradzam ci ten system, zgromadzone pieniądze wydaj lepiej na prostytutki :shock:

Offline Dwalthrim

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #141 dnia: Czerwiec 25, 2007, 08:19:32 pm »
Cytat: "Zielony"
odradzam ci ten system, zgromadzone pieniądze wydaj lepiej na prostytutki :shock:

:shock: No nie sodomia i gomoria sie na forum szerzy!  :lol:  :D
Naharrrr!  :p   :badgrin:

Offline Mistrz wałków :)

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #142 dnia: Czerwiec 26, 2007, 01:26:09 am »
Shock No nie sodomia i gomoria sie na forum szerzy! Laughing Very Happy
Naharrrr! Razz Bad Grin

Zielony poprostu dawno nie zarobił ostrzerzenia :)

Banda ch. dwarfów.. jest zupełnie nie wyważona!! Za tani hob goblin.. z jego mozliwosciami powinienen lekko kosztowac 30 gc.
Danie krasiom garłacze magie i mobilność (centaur) to rodzajowa pomyłka.
A zbyt silnych czarach juz nie wspomnę...

Jednym słowem polecam zapomnieć o tej bandzie.
Kamil. (miszczu)

Offline Skavenblight

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #143 dnia: Czerwiec 26, 2007, 11:19:08 am »
Nehan atakuje mordheimowo - an allen Fronten! :badgrin:

Oj, ale banda jest naprawdę "prze". Już pomijając figurki - jak ktoś lubi, to proszę bardzo, ale hobgoblin jest, delikatnie mówiąc, przegięty. Oj Nehan, weź sobie wreszcie jakąś oficjalną bandę :)

P.S. Czy mi się zdaje, czy drugi ban jest już permanentny? :badgrin:
Cytat: Kapitan Hak
No właśnie, apeluję do posiadacza toksycznych skarpet papy Noigula o bezzwłoczne wypranie ich w święconej wodzie Sigmara.

Offline Motorek

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #144 dnia: Czerwiec 26, 2007, 11:29:18 am »
Hobgobliny są ładne (mam do nich pewien sentyment, bo moją pierwszą figurką był właśnie Hobgoblin z toporem ;) ) za to Chaos Dwarfy mnie odstraszają swoim wyglądem.
Opisu bandy nie przeczytałem, wystarczą mi opinie 3 osób, które przeczytały i piszą , że banda jest wymaksowana i nie pasuje do Mordheim.
Edit: Pomyłka pierwszy był Gobliński Fanatyk z Magii i Miecza ;) (jeszcze w podstawówce byłem;p)

Offline Nehan

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #145 dnia: Czerwiec 26, 2007, 12:37:54 pm »

P.S. Czy mi się zdaje, czy drugi ban jest już permanentny?


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Offline Zielony

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #146 dnia: Czerwiec 26, 2007, 01:14:30 pm »
przeciez moja wypowiedz nie jest aż tak straszna zeby dawać mi bana... zreszta powiedzialem co lepsze.

chyba 2 ban to juz forewer. :shock:
smigło zyje juz od dawna :O

Offline MK

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #147 dnia: Czerwiec 26, 2007, 03:49:28 pm »
W tej bandzie tkwi potencjał, trzeba by tylko pokombinować z kosztem jednostek.

W obecnym kształcie zdecydowanie przepak. - serwis społeczności Mordheim

Offline Wojtek_Krz

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #148 dnia: Czerwiec 26, 2007, 07:43:18 pm »
Cytat: "Slimak78"

Edit: po dokładniejszym przeczytaniu banda jest przekozaczona. Hobgobliny kosztujące 15 a jakoscia dorownujace zołnierzowi ludzkiemu za 35 to przegiecie.

żolnierz ludzki warty 35? hmmmm. powinny wg mnei kosztowac 20 gc. nie zapominajmy ze maja 2I  :!: Przesadzacie co do hobgoblinów.

Cytat: "Mistrz Wałków"
Danie krasiom garłacze magie i mobilność (centaur) to rodzajowa pomyłka.

To są Chaos Dwarfy. Taki fluff, proste.

Cytat: "Motor"
Opisu bandy nie przeczytałem, wystarczą mi opinie 3 osób, które przeczytały i piszą , że banda jest wymaksowana i nie pasuje do Mordheim.

Ignorant  ;)

Offline Motorek

Własne Projekty Warband
« Odpowiedź #149 dnia: Czerwiec 26, 2007, 09:53:30 pm »
Cytat: "Wojtek_Krz"

Cytat: "Motor"
Opisu bandy nie przeczytałem, wystarczą mi opinie 3 osób, które przeczytały i piszą , że banda jest wymaksowana i nie pasuje do Mordheim.

Ignorant  ;)
:D  :D Dziękuję ;)

