
Autor Wątek: Nowości Games Workshop  (Przeczytany 830546 razy)

0 użytkowników i 1 Gość przegląda ten wątek.

Offline Michaelius

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1440 dnia: Maj 20, 2008, 11:38:16 pm »
Pytanie po ile ten razor wyjdzie w pkt. bo przy tej ilosci strzalow Ap2 to moze podchodzic pod cene predatora destruktora.

"Your understending is not required, merely your surrender"

Offline marcinkk

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1441 dnia: Maj 21, 2008, 06:59:35 am »
ploteczek ciąg dalszy:

First off, assault weapons cannot fire like defensive weapons, neither can template weapons. No distinction is made in the vehicle rules.
The rear armour rule is there. When assaulting a vehicle in CC you hit the rear armour.
If you assault a vehicle in your go and dont destroy it, you may attack it in the next CC phase, ie your enemies, if the vehicle does not move. You can be shot at by the enemy however as you are not considered locked in combat.

Skimmer rules: Fast skimmers may move 6 inches and fire all weapons, or 12 inches and fire 1 main and all defensive weapons. Skimmers may not move and fire all weapons, or move up to 6 and fire one main and all defensive weapons.

Fast SKimmers may move flat out ie 12-24,fast vehicles may move flat out 12-18, and gain a 4+ obscured cover save. There is no save for a skimmer moving less than 12!!!!! These are cover saves, so cannot be gained against template weapons, crack shot, markerlights reducing it. etc. Works like a normal cover save. Can by fortuned btw.

All vehicles are hit automatically in CC if they didnt move, on 4's if they moved up to 6, 6's over this. This means skimmers that dont move are hit automatically!! on the rear armour.

Smoke launchers give you a 4+ cover save for next enemy shooting phase.

Blast weapons that get hot: Roll a dice for each weapon before firing. On a 1 you do not fire and take one saveable wound.
Rapid fire gets hot is gone. You only overheat on 1's to hit, not 2's.

Feel no pain cannot be used against instant death, AP1 or AP2 weapons, power weapons, rending that rolls a 6 to wound, etc.

Twin linked weapons. Twin linked blasts, you must choose to reroll the scatter and the 2D6 or none. Twin linked gets hot only overheat if the second roll is also a 1.

Snipers: always wound on a 4+, rending, strenght 3 against vehicles. THis means you use your BS to hit.

Scoring units: all units from your troops allocations on the FOC are scoring, unless they are a vehicle, swarm or have another special rule that specifies they cannot Ie tyranid gaunts who are lurking. The unit is scoring, so one man out of a 10 man tactical squad is still scoring. ANY UNIT may contest objectives.

All units that are not vehicles can run, with the following exceptions :Bikes, Jetbikes, Artillery. Walkers can run. This means tomb spiders, talos' etc can run...hmmm.

Ramming does not have a maximum strength. Nowhere in the book does it state that ramming is limited to strength 10. A vyper with star engines can generate a strength 12 hit it takes a strength 12 hit too btw.

Wound allocation is simple. You do it unit by unit, all shots of one unit on its target.
So using the example above the 3 tyranid warriors, 1 with venom cannon, 1 with devourer, 1 with rending claws are wounded by 5 bolter shots, 1 lascannon shot and 1 plasma gun shot. The player controlling the warriors allocates the 5 bolter shots first, placing them one at a time. You can only allocate a second wound once each model in the squad takes one. The warriors have a 4+ save. Two take 2 bolter hits and 1 takes 1 bolter hit. Now the plasma goes on the warrior who was hit by one bolter shot, and the lascannon on any warrior of the players choosing.

Now roll saves. The first warrior who has a venom cannon is only hit with 2 bolter shells and makes 1 armour save. The second warrior is hit by 2 bolter shells and a lascannon shell. he fails 2 saves and dies. The lascannon hit is wasted. The third warrior makes the save from the one bolter hit, and takes one wound from the plasma.

I was used to the system after one game. Its easy to learn. Works the same in combat also.

Combat: Units that are charged get a free 6 inch counter assault move to get them into base to base if possible. Casualties can be removed from anywhere in the combat, not just the 2inch killzone. Models who are able to attack at the start, before any dice are rolled, still get to attack, regardless that all the models in the killzone were killed before they got to attack.
Combat results: Models killed vs Models killed. today in my game my conscript platoon was charged by 5 terminators and a wolf lord. They killed 12 conscripts with no reply. I lost the combat by 12, but i am fearless due to Gaunt, so i take another 12 armour saves!!!

If i wasnt fearless i wound have autorun, except on a double 1 for insane heroism.

Offline Bartuul

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1442 dnia: Maj 21, 2008, 07:36:49 am »
Ramming does not have a maximum strength. Nowhere in the book does it state that ramming is limited to strength 10. A vyper with star engines can generate a strength 12 hit it takes a strength 12 hit too btw.
Combat results: Models killed vs Models killed. today in my game my conscript platoon was charged by 5 terminators and a wolf lord. They killed 12 conscripts with no reply. I lost the combat by 12, but i am fearless due to Gaunt, so i take another 12 armour saves!!!
If i wasnt fearless i wound have autorun, except on a double 1 for insane heroism.
Dziękuję... wysiadam.  :roll:
Join the forces of Kasztaniarze!

Kierowco! Pamiętaj - wpuszczając kogoś na skrzyżowaniu sprawiasz przyjemność temu jednemu, ale wqrwiasz tych 50 za Tobą...

Offline Błotnik

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1443 dnia: Maj 21, 2008, 07:47:43 am »
Zabawne. PRAWIE jak w WFB. PRAWIE robi wielką różnicę.

Offline PaulShin

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1444 dnia: Maj 21, 2008, 08:11:18 am »
Jaki jest więc sens bycia Fearless? :p Dobrze, że zwykły Comissar nie daje takich bzdur...

Offline Hang Man

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1445 dnia: Maj 21, 2008, 08:14:32 am »
Z górną siłą ramowania to ich po...ało.

Ale chyba nie można ramować na Star enginach, przecież ich się używa w shoottnigu, ajt?
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

Offline LuinThorondor

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1446 dnia: Maj 21, 2008, 08:20:22 am »
Jaki jest więc sens bycia Fearless?

Sława i chwała! :badgrin:

Offline Vladdi

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1447 dnia: Maj 21, 2008, 08:44:26 am »
Z tego co wyczytalem to nie do konca tak, znaczy zeby ramowac trzeba moc tank shockowac wiec vypery odpadaja. I nie wiem jak gosc wyliczyl te 12 sily. Mi wychodzi 8 max, bo star enginy odpala sie w innej fazie wiec sila ram z enginow to max 4.

They told me they needed an army. They made me call half the humanity and tell them to kill the other half. There was no racism after that, no discrimination, no conflicts based on property, politics or religion. It only mattered if you were one of those that answered the phone or one of those that didn't. Apocalypse came and I was at it's gates.


  • Gość
Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1448 dnia: Maj 21, 2008, 08:50:34 am »
Heyka !!!
Z tego co wyczytalem to nie do konca tak, znaczy zeby ramowac trzeba moc tank shockowac wiec vypery odpadaja. I nie wiem jak gosc wyliczyl te 12 sily. Mi wychodzi 8 max, bo star enginy odpala sie w innej fazie wiec sila ram z enginow to max 4.

Dokladnie - gosc napisal totalna bzdure z tym Vypperem.
Tak w ogole, to do sily ramowania licza sie kazde pelne 3 cale - tak wiec uzyskanie S8 za odleglosc bedzie problematyczne - trzeba bedzie wymierzyc co do milimetra, zeby przeleciec te 24 cale ... takze bez paniki.
Cze !!!
« Ostatnia zmiana: Maj 21, 2008, 08:55:03 am wysłana przez Eman »

Offline Isengrim

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1449 dnia: Maj 21, 2008, 09:24:10 am »
There is no save for a skimmer moving less than 12!!!!!

Uhh, to znaczy ze Falcon zeby dostac save'a to w ogole nie moze strzelac... Troche nedza.
Klerykał i filosemita
Młotek 2010 :-)


  • Gość
Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1450 dnia: Maj 21, 2008, 09:28:53 am »
Heyka !!!
There is no save for a skimmer moving less than 12!!!!!

Uhh, to znaczy ze Falcon zeby dostac save'a to w ogole nie moze strzelac... Troche nedza.
A widziales kiedys strzelajacego Falcona  ? ;) ;) ;) Przeciez sa permamentnie shaken  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Cze !!!

Offline Wosho

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1451 dnia: Maj 21, 2008, 09:37:15 am »
Moje strzelają, po to daje Starcannony.
A teraz wyjdzie na to że trzeba dawać jak najtańsze bo i tak nie strzeli :sad:


  • Gość
Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1452 dnia: Maj 21, 2008, 09:40:40 am »
Heyka !!!
Moje strzelają, po to daje Starcannony.
Cush ... IMHO marnujesz punkty. Falcon strzela ewentualnie w pierwszej turze, jak Eldarzy zaczna, albo jak nie ma Herlawych na pokladzie i po Shake'u sie dobrze schowa. Jak gram z Eldarami, to cos takiego sie zdarza raz na jakies 12 tur  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Cze !!!

Offline Isengrim

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1453 dnia: Maj 21, 2008, 09:44:03 am »
Eman, nie kazda armia jest w stanie wbic wiadro shakenow Falconom tak jak Twoje male niebieskie ludziki. Moje albo strzelaly, albo spadaly w pierwszej turze na przyklad.  :D
Klerykał i filosemita
Młotek 2010 :-)


  • Gość
Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1454 dnia: Maj 21, 2008, 09:50:17 am »
Heyka !!!
Eman, nie kazda armia jest w stanie wbic wiadro shakenow Falconom tak jak Twoje male niebieskie ludziki.
Jak gram Bladymi to jest dokladnie tak samo ...
BTW normalnie juz nie moge sie doczekac tej 5ed ... w miniona sobote mialem kolejna bitwe z serii - wbijam wiadro efektow (tak minimum dwa na ture na kazdym) na Falconach - shaken ... shaken ... shaken ... shaken ... ooo  :shock: ooo w koncu ... weapon destroyed  :lol: :lol: :lol: W ostatniej turze szarzujac Kapelanem, pelna Kompania i dwoma Assault Squadami zdolalem wbic immobila. No po prostu obecne zasady pojazdow w polaczniu z Holo sa tak, ze glowa mala  :-? :-? :-?
Cze !!!

