Autor Wątek: Badlands Project  (Przeczytany 5752 razy)

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Badlands Project
« dnia: Wrzesień 28, 2004, 10:44:25 am »
Na forum off. Mordheim znalazlem Badlands Project. Nowy setting jakby kto pytal. Na razie wyslalem zapytanie do autorow czy zgodza sie na przetlumaczenie zasad. Co nie oznacza ofkors ze prace nad tlumaczeniem juz nie trwaja  :twisted:  ale ciiii.....

Offline skolo

Badlands Project
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Wrzesień 28, 2004, 10:45:20 am »
aha, jakby kto chcial mi pomoc, w co watpie bo nikt z was niczego mi nie przyslal ostatnio z tlumaczen o ktore prosilem :x , to tu jest link

Offline skolo

Badlands Project
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Wrzesień 29, 2004, 01:04:45 pm »
Autorzy dali zgode na tlumaczenie zatem zamieszczac tu bede po kolei co oni tam wymodzili. Na poczatek rzucam drużyny. Jak macie jakies komentarze to uderzajcie:

Dwarf Scout Team

Max number of models: 12

Special Rules:
Hate Greenskins: All Dwarves have Hatered towards all Orcs and goblins. In addition, the Dwarves may never Ally with a warband containing any Orcs or Goblins.

Old Grudge: The Dwarves may never hire any Elven Hired Swirds or Elven Dramatics Personae. In addition, a Dwarf Warband may never ally with a Elven Warband

Hard to Kill: Dwarfs can only be taken out of action on a roll of 6 instead of 5-6 when rolling on the Injury chart. Treat a roll of 1-2 as knocked down, 3-5 as stunned, and 6 as out of action.

Hard Head: Dwarfs ignore the special rules for maces, clubs, etc.

Sturdy: Dwarfs never suffer movement penalties for wearing armour.

Dwarf Stronghold: In the Trading phase, the Dwarf Scout Team may choose to have one or more of their heroes, who would normally fight the next two battles, sent to the Dwarves Stringhold, from where they were sent, to trade. If so, the Heroes may each buy all the common equipment he pleases, they may each roll to find Rare items up to 6 times and in addition, they get +1 bonus to all his Dice Rolls when rolling to find Rare items. This bonus is increased to +2 when looking for Bugmans Ale, Gromril armour or gromril weapons. It is not possible to find Mad Cap Mushrooms, Elf Bows, Elf Cloaks, Ithilmar Weapons and Ithilmar Armour in this way.
Note that a Hero sent on his way to trade, leaves the warband for the next 2 battles to reappear just before the third battle. While gone, each Hero takes with him the amount of food he needs for the jurney (the same amount of food he would use during the next two battles), the heroes may NOT carry any treasure, food or items found after the departure, he does NOT count towards the Rating of the warband and he does NOT gain experience for fought battles, underdog or any other means.

Equipped by the Stronghold City Hall: The warband starts put with an additional 20% gold, so a normal Starting warband will have 600 gc instead of the normal 500 gc.

Distaste for Magic: No member of the warband may ever learn any spells or prayers by any means, and the warband may never hire any Hired Sword who can use spells. The use of a Runesmith is allowed however.

Sized for Tactics: The warband may never have more than 12 members. Note that you may add Hired Swords to have a total number of warriors above 12, but the Halfling scouts Cook ability and the Halfling Cookbook may not be used to enlarge this warband

Starting Experience Points:
Dwarf Scout Team Leader: 20 Experience Points
Dwarf Master Scout: 8 Experience Points
Dwarf Engineer: 8 Experience Points
Dwarf Noble Sons: 0 Experience Points

Dwarf Scout Team Leader: Combat, Shooting, Academics, Strength, Special
Dwarf Master Scout: Combat, Shooting, Speed, Special
Dwarf Engineer: Combat, Shooting, Academics, Special
Dwarf Noble Sons: Combat, Shooting, Academics, Special

Note that Speed skills are Dwarf Master Scout ONLY. No other dwarves may learn speed skills. Not even promoted dwarves may choose the speed skill list.

Special Skills:
Scout: The Hero count as having the Infiltration skill (see the Clan Eshin Skaven warband). Note that it is not possible to use this skill, if the Hero wears Heavy Armour or Gromril Armour.

Extra Tough: When rolling on the Heroes Serious Injury chart for this Hero after a game in which he has been taken out of action, the dice may be re-rolled once. The result of this second dice roll must be accepted, even if it is a worse result.

Resource Hunter: When rolling on the Exploration chart at the end of a game, the Hero may modify one dice roll by +1/-1.

Master of Blades: Only a single Hero may have this skill at any time. When using a weapon that has a Parry special rule, this hero parries successfully if he beats or matches his opponents highest ‘to hit’ roll, not just if he beats the roll. In addition, if this warrior is using two weapons that have the Parry special rule, he is allowed to parry two attacks (if his two dice match or beat the two highest Attack dice against him) instead of the normal maximum of one. Note that if this Dwarf has two Dwarf axes (as detailed above) he can reroll any failed parries.

1 Dwarf Scout Team Leader - 85 gc
M:3 WS:5 BS:4 S:3 T:4 W:1 I:3 A:1 Ld:9
Equipment List: Dwarf Warrior Equipment List

0-1 Dwarf Master Scout - 55 gc
M:3 WS:3 BS:4 S:3 T:4 W:1 I:3 A:1 Ld:9
Equipment List: Dwarf Scout Equipment List
Master Scout: The Master Scout count as having the Infiltration skill (see the Clan Eshin Skaven warband). Note that it is not possible to use this ability, if the Hero wears Heavy Armour or Gromril Armour.

0-1 Dwarf Engineer - 50 gc
M:3 WS:3 BS:4 S:3 T:4 W:1 I:2 A:1 Ld:9
Equipment List: Dwarf Scout Equipment List
Expert Weaponsmith: All Dwarf missile weapons in the warband have their range increased by 3" for Pistols and 6" for Crossbows and Handguns. Any range increases are only maintained as long as the Dwarf Engineer remains with the warband.

0-2 Dwarf Noble Sons - 25 gc
M:3 WS:3 BS:3 S:3 T:4 W:1 I:2 A:1 Ld:8
Equipment List: Dwarf Scout Equipment List

Dwarf Thunderers - 40 gc
M:3 WS:3 BS:4 S:3 T:4 W:1 I:2 A:1 Ld:9
Equipment List: Dwarf Scout Equipment List

0-3 Dwarf Scouts - 50 gc
M:3 WS:3 BS:4 S:3 T:4 W:1 I:2 A:1 Ld:9
Equipment List: Dwarf Scout Equipment List
Scouts: All Scouts count as having the Infiltration skill (see the Clan Eshin Skaven warband). Note that it is not possible to use this ability, if the warrior wears Heavy Armour or Gromril Armour.

Beardlings - 25 gc
M:3 WS:3 BS:2 S:3 T:4 W:1 I:2 A:1 Ld:8
Equipment List: Dwarf Warrior Equipment List

Dwarf Clansmen - 40 gc
M:3 WS:4 BS:3 S:3 T:4 W:1 I:2 A:1 Ld:9
Equipment List: Dwarf Warrior Equipment List

Dwarf Warrior Equipment List:
Dagger 1st free/2 gc
Hammer 3 gc
Axe 5 gc
Sword 10 gc
Spear 10 gc
Halberd 10 gc
Double-handed weapon 15 gc
Dwarf axe 15 gc
Gromril weapon* 3x normal cost

Pistol 15 gc
Crossbow 25 gc

Shield 5 gc
Helmet 10 gc
Sword 10 gc
Light armour 20 gc
Heavy armour 50 gc
Gromril armour* 75 gc

Dwarf Scout Equipment List:
Dagger 1st free/2 gc
Hammer 3 gc
Axe 5 gc
Sword 10 gc
Gromril weapon* 3x normal cost

Pistol 15 gc (30 for a brace)
Crossbow 25 gc
Handgun 35gc

Shield 5 gc
Helmet 10 gc
Light armour 20 gc
Heavy armour 50 gc

*Heroes only. Note that this equipment may only be bought so cheap from starts as it represents ancient Dwarf Heirlooms, passed down from generation to generation.

Offline nahar

Badlands Project
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Wrzesień 29, 2004, 03:53:35 pm »
Komentarz do tej bandy to:
Tragedia, jedyne wyjście to zdjąć te BS 4 wszystkim henchmanom.

Offline Mistrz wałków :)

Badlands Project
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Wrzesień 29, 2004, 04:35:21 pm »
Podpisuję się pod wypowiedzią kolegi Nahara..

Tragedia... Krasnoludy z bs 4. Jak by nie bylo dość tego że z bs3 juz wygrywały wszelkie pojedynki strzeleckie!!!
Kamil. (miszczu)

Offline drachenfeles

Badlands Project
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Wrzesień 29, 2004, 05:24:45 pm »
zapowiadało się ciekawie, ale jak widzę krasnoludy z WS3 BS4 to trochę mi się niedobrze robi.
Może zamiast badlands przetłumaczymy coś z Karak Azgal?

Offline skolo

Badlands Project
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Wrzesień 29, 2004, 05:28:42 pm »
przekazalem na forum. zobaczymy co powiedzą

Offline skolo

Badlands Project
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: Wrzesień 29, 2004, 05:31:12 pm »
Nastepna banda

Savage Orcs Tribe

Max number of Members:

Special Rules:
Animosity - See Da Mob Warband List

Magic Tatoos - All Savage Orcs have got Magic tatoos, giving them a +6 Armour save and a 6+ Special Save against the effect of any hostile spells.

Gork help uz! - No member of the Savage Orc Tribe Warband may use any type of armour, besides Shields, Bucklars and Helmets (in no Light Armour, Heavy Armour, Ithilmar Armour or Grimril Armour).

Distasteful Company: May only hire Pit Fighter, Warlock, Ogre Bodyguard and any Orc, goblin or Ogre Hired Swords.

Starting Experience Points:
Savage Orc Bog Boss: 20
Savage Orc Shaman: 8
Savage Orc Big Un´: 8
Savage Orc Berzerker: 8

Savage Orc Bog Boss: Combat, Shooting, Strength, Speed, Special
Savage Orc Shaman: Combat, Strength, Speed, Special
Savage Orc Big Un´: Combat, Strength, Speed, Special
Savage Orc Berzerker: Combat, Strength, Speed, Special

Special Skills:
’Ard ead: The warrior has a thick skull even for an Orc. He has a pecial 3+ save on a D6 to avoid being stunned. If the save is made, treat a stunned result as knocked down instead. If the Orc also wears a helmet, this save is 2+ instead of 3+ (this takes the place of the normal helmet special rule). Note that this skill may not be used in conjunction with the Jump Up skill.

For Gork! Orcs are aggressive creatures and some are experts at bulldozing charges. The warrior may add +D3" to his charge range.

Well ’ard The Orc has a thick, dark-green skin, possibly indicating Black Orc blood. Such is the toughness of the Orc that he may add
+1 to any armour saves.

Waaagh! The warrior is subject to Frenzy.

’Eadbasher Orcs have massive physical strength and some of them even learn to aim their blows at the heads of their opponents, with obvious results. Any knocked down results which the Orc causes in hand-to-hand count as stunned results instead.

1 Savage Orc Bog Boss - 90 gc
M:4 WS:4 BS:4 S:4 T:4 W:1 I:3 A:2 Ld:8
Equipment List: Boss Equipment List
Leader, Magic Tatoos

0-1 Savage Orc Shaman - 60 gc
M:4 WS:3 BS:3 S:3 T:4 W:1 I:3 A:1 Ld:7
Equipment List: Boss Equipment List
Wizard - The Shaman is a Wizard and uses spells from the Waagh! magic list - see Da Mob Warband List.
Protective Tatoos - Improves the 6+ Armour Save and special save against magic to 5+ armour save and 5+ special save against hostile magic for all Heroes with the Magic Tatoos special Rule

0-2 Savage Orc Big Un´ - 50 gc
M:4 WS:4 BS:3 S:3 T:4 W:1 I:3 A:1 Ld:7
Equipment List: Boss Equipment List
Magic Tatoos

0-1 Savage Orc Berzerker - 55 gc
M:4 WS:4 BS:3 S:3 T:4 W:1 I:3 A:1 Ld:7
Equipment List: Boss Equipment List
Magic Tatoos, Frenzy

Savage Orc Boyz - 35 gc
M:4 WS:3 BS:3 S:3 T:4 W:1 I:2 A:1 Ld:7
Equipment List: Boyz Equipment List
Magic Tatoos, Animosity

Savage Orc Hunta Boyz - 30 gc
M:4 WS:3 BS:3 S:3 T:4 W:1 I:2 A:1 Ld:7
Equipment List: Boyz Equipment List
Magic Tatoos, Animosity, Anoimosity
Huntaz: The Savage Orc Hunta Boyz may use Slings, Short Bows and Bows.
We Want Food!: The warband must consist of at least 25% Hunta boyz. If you fail to keep at least 25% Saage Orc Hunta Boyz present in your warband, all warriors with the Magic Tatoos or Protective Tatoos special rules cost the dubble amount of Food after every battle.

Tribez Goblin Boyz - 15 gc
M:4 WS:2 BS:3 S:3 T:3 W:1 I:3 A:1 Ld:5
Equipment List: Boyz Equipment List
Not Orcs: Orcs don’t expect much from non-Orcs, and are therefore not unsettled if Goblins or Cave Squigs break or get cut down in battle. In fact, they expect as much from these weaklings! Therefore, when testing to see if an Orc Warband needs to take a Rout test, each Goblin taken out of action only counts as half a model. Therefore, a band of 5 Orcs and 10 Goblins (15 models) would only have to take a test if 4 models fell (4 Orcs or 8 Goblins, or some combination thereof ).
Runts: Goblins may gain experience but if they happen to roll ‘That Lad’s got talent’ they are immediately killed by their Orc overlords for becoming too ‘mouthy’ (remove the Gobbo from the roster).
Shootaz: Goblins may use Short Bows

Boss Equipment List:
Dagger - 1st free/2 gc
Club - 3 gc
Axe - 5 gc
Sword 10 gc
Spear - 10 gc
Halberd 10 gc
Morning star - 15 gc
Double-handed weapon - 15 gc

Bow - 10 gc

Shield - 5 gc
Helmet - 10 gc

Boyz Equipment List
Dagger - 1st free/2 gc
Club - 3 gc
Axe - 5 gc
Sword 10 gc
Spear - 10 gc
*Double-handed weapon - 15 gc

Shield - 5 gc
Helmet - 10 gc

* May not be used by Goblins

Offline drachenfeles

Badlands Project
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: Wrzesień 29, 2004, 05:41:47 pm »
dużo ciekawsza wersja savage orków jest na karak azgal - ale się uparłem co?  ;)

Offline skolo

Badlands Project
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: Wrzesień 29, 2004, 05:46:31 pm »
drachu podeslalbys mi ostatnia wersje armybuildera PL ktora tam masz u siebie. cos powinienem wiedziec o niej?

Offline drachenfeles

Badlands Project
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: Wrzesień 29, 2004, 05:47:51 pm »
jest do zassania z auto-update w AB tzn najnowsza pojawi się za jakiś czas, bo parę poprawek mam na liście ale będzie dostępna z tego samego źródła.

Offline Mistrz wałków :)

Badlands Project
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: Wrzesień 29, 2004, 06:04:42 pm »
Nie rozumiem zasady warggg...
Czy ona sie odnosi do wszystkich czy tylko do Berserkerów

No i problem czy łącząc wszystkie zasady orkowie w HA  maja sava na 3+.
Bo jesli tak to taki boss staje sie strasznym rzeżnikiem.
A szaman ma na 2+. a to jest już troche za duzo...
Kamil. (miszczu)

Offline skolo

Badlands Project
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: Wrzesień 29, 2004, 07:20:36 pm »
co do Krasnali:
Yes.. BS4 is way too strong for a dwarf warband.. if it is the Dwarf Treasure Hunters.. but then again, they also have access to two slayers and all the heores have access to the Master of Blades skill.. the Scout team doesn´t.. so I think that it balances out quite fine.. :)

Offline drachenfeles

Badlands Project
« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: Wrzesień 29, 2004, 08:21:39 pm »
blah, blah!
ta banda jest IMO marna, tzn pomysł niezły ale ktoś bardzo chciał połączyć zasoby marienburga ze strzelaniam reiklandu oraz wytrzymałością krasnali, mnie się to nie podoba, za dużo grzybków w barszczu.

Offline Herudaio

Badlands Project
« Odpowiedź #14 dnia: Wrzesień 29, 2004, 09:57:33 pm »
i co z tego że nie mają 2! slayerów i master of the blades, mają bs4 strzelają jak elfy..... a to są Krasnale one się 200 lat uczą obsługiwać kusze (na łuk są zagłupie), po za tym ja bym nie chciał spotkać >4 kusz z bs4 już na początku gry ustawionynych w którym chcą budynku
I ask only for an enemy worth fighting and a cause worth fighting for". - Spartan Prayer
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