
Autor Wątek: Nowości Games Workshop  (Przeczytany 832073 razy)

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Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1575 dnia: Maj 29, 2008, 05:36:39 pm »
Dobra Panowie, koniec tego off-topu. Bo wiecie - loch, zapinanie i te sprawy ...
A ja chce spowrotem moje uprawnienia moderatorskie i zbanować Emana.  :p

PW  :p

Co do FAQów w wypadku Orków raczej nie liczył bym na odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące woundów czy Waaagh  8)


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Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1576 dnia: Maj 29, 2008, 05:49:15 pm » :eek:

In the words of Luke Skywalker: "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"  :shock: :shock:

A teraz na spokojnie to oczywiście fałszywa plota. Agenci Inkwizycji już szukają winowajców którzy muszą dostąpić oczyszczenia!  ;-)

Offline PaulShin

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1577 dnia: Maj 29, 2008, 05:52:47 pm » :eek:

In the words of Luke Skywalker: "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"  :shock: :shock:

A teraz na spokojnie to oczywiście fałszywa plota. Agenci Inkwizycji już szukają winowajców którzy muszą dostąpić oczyszczenia!  ;-)

O "usterkach" Tronu już było jakiś czas temu... Ale o zaburzeniu komunikacji, Astronomicanu i faktycznej śmierci Imperatora?
Zbieramy się na flamery i jedziemy do Nottingham? ;)

They are throwing around a whole load of ideas currently. Decent Fluff makes my spine tingle, and here are just some of the ones I have heard:

The Golden Throne is Broken or Breaking
Exactly what it says on the tin, this might see the end of the Emperor. Note this will not 'bring forth the star child' becuase it got written out, because apparently having the Emperor as Jesus, Hitler, Buddha, the works was considered offensive.

The Blood Angels Will Fall To Chaos
The old favourite, there is talk about making them turn full time to chaos, although everyone who has been around for more than a millennium has a reason to go chaos, even ultramarines...

Ultramarines Split from the Imperium
Thats right, you read it right. The idea was that the Ultramarines looked at the state of the Imperium and decided it wasn't what they signed up for, and decide to go off and make their own Imperium to their ideal, kind of Cap A tried to do in Civil War. Although this got thrown out because they thought it would be too confusing that they aren't chaos, they aren't Imperium, but they were still space marines.

The Dragon Awakens
If the big global campaigns go badly, like really really badly, the Dragon on Mars will awaken to kick the arse of anyone who steps up, kind of like 'these are mine, naff off!'

Necrons in the Inquisition
This one is actually going on as we speak, for all of those of you who haven't read Xenology, do so! There are Necrons in the Inquisition! Actually working to help run the Imperium. When the guy pulls his face off to reveal a necron, you actually cannot believe it.

Just thought I'd complicate matters a bit.

#EDIT# Oh and the Rhondda Donndra, or whatever the Eldar call it, the end battle where everyone dies, could actually be now, and its just a REALLY REALLY big battle.

« Ostatnia zmiana: Maj 29, 2008, 08:22:23 pm wysłana przez PaulShin »

Offline Idaan

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1578 dnia: Maj 29, 2008, 09:01:15 pm »
Same shit, another day. :roll:

Co roku ktoś wymyśla podobne bzdury a GW jakoś jeszcze nigdy nie posunęło chronologii poza 999.M41.

Offline Alexander

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1579 dnia: Maj 29, 2008, 09:36:12 pm »
Hehe ciekawe te badziewia..., nawet jeżeli to wszystko pozmyślane, to akcja z necronami w inkwizycji jest p***bista, ale trochę nierealna, jakby taki koleś ukrył to przed wszechwiedzącym imperatorem i jego sługami....? ;-)

Offline Zly

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1580 dnia: Maj 29, 2008, 09:50:09 pm »
Hehe ciekawe te badziewia..., nawet jeżeli to wszystko pozmyślane, to akcja z necronami w inkwizycji jest p***bista, ale trochę nierealna, jakby taki koleś ukrył to przed wszechwiedzącym imperatorem i jego sługami....? ;-)

Polecam przeczytać Xenology;)
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Offline morkai

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1581 dnia: Maj 30, 2008, 07:27:20 am »
Same shit, another day. :roll:

"It is impossible to say for how long the Emperor can survive in this condition, or even if he has survived at all. Who can know how much time is left to hgimbefor the tenuous hold upon his phisical body is finally broken, or his mind is torn apart by insanity? (...)"

Co roku ktoś wymyśla podobne bzdury a GW jakoś jeszcze nigdy nie posunęło chronologii poza 999.M41.

eee...mam wrażenie, że widziałem już znacznie odleglejsze daty w IA....

Offline PaulShin

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1582 dnia: Maj 30, 2008, 02:23:03 pm »
Kolejna porcja fluffu dla wielbicieli małych szarych ludzików... I teraz pewne już na 100% że Tron i Astronomican nawalają. :O

right, so i just thumbed through the new rule book and its going to rock the Fluff world.

First and foremost- GW has specifically laid down that the Tau live 40-50 years as a norm and then experience a brief old age and die. It is emphasized repeatedly that the Tau are a driven and anxious race and this has been the reason for their dynamic expansion- there is no allusion to any other cause. It also mentions that it has been noted that certain Tau are known to attain much older years "As if their lifespans are linked to the manifest destiny of the race" Interesting right?

Right- now some nitty gritty and some information on the rest of the galaxy (they went all out with Fluff and are fleshing out the universe)

-Myrandias is the closest Exodite world to the Tau Empire.

-The Third Sphere is no longer just an invasion through the northern 'gate' of the Empire (between Perdus and Gulf) but is now in all directions stretching out from a number of Septs. This is shattering as we no longer have a definitive path that the expansion is going- as it seems to be everywhere. The arrows indicate that they are making ground in the Rift! All fronts are being expanded and it even seems, although it doesn't' state it, that a tendril of the expansion is nearing the Enclaves- maybe we'll see something out of this since we were told Aun'shi went out there. Anyway, this push is being called the WARS OF EXPANSION (with Shadowsun in the north with the largest force).

-Hive Fleet Colossus is the Tyranid fleet that has been engaging the Tau Empire- it seems that its tendrils into the Empire were defeated by Shadowsun. (you can tell by the maps they show- its pretty detailed)

-NEW XV info- seems like there are a XV17 and XV26 model of suit that are built for maneuverability rather than firepower, meanwhile the XV 86 is called a 'integrated interface armor' which are the space capable model- don't know what this could mean, perhaps it is a suit that uses another suit?

-New Kroot worlds: Tawka and Seco in the middle and south of the Rift

-There is a definitive calender!!! Its so detailed and explains the number system (which hasn't been seen since a RT WD) in 995.M41 the Tau attack Ghola's Hope, an Imperial Shrine world. Two years later in 997 the 3rd Sphere officially begins and in 999 the 13th black crusade takes place (there is no mention of the Damocles Crusade or Medusa) so maybe the first is being moved and they have accepted that Medusa is still the first event in M42.

-Notable event: The Cytherian Annexation: Jungle world invaded by a large Bork'an force with some Fal'shian. Pathfinders were inserted five months before the invasion while landing zones were cleared by stealth suits. "Hammer head Armor Elimination Groups" are used to hit Imperial armor. Shas'O Alo'rra (cold Shadow (new word) Is in his first role as a 'O and is untested, he leads a daring attack as the Tau are being bogged down by jungle combat and proves his worth. There is still resistance on the world from Catachan 26th 51st 56th.

-Sept symbols are painted on chest circle of Firewarriors while they Sept coloring has been added to various parts of the armor, not just strips.

Things to know about the new timeline- well, the Imperium is literally falling apart and is now in the Age of the fall, or something, it seems that after the Age of Apostacy there were huge purgings for thousands of years. The Space Marines are being directed to take more of a direct control over worlds that are rebelling while the Macharian worlds had a recent and massive rebellion where it took 100 space marine chapters to quell. Meanwhile, Space Marines are being swayed by Huron Blackheart who is turning loyal marines to his piratical cause- they say its amazing how many loyal marines turn but this could be because the Imperium is falling apart. In addition, the AdMech have discovered irreperable damage to the Golden Throne while the Astronomicon is dimming to such a degree that contact can no longer be maintained with distant worlds like Macragge.

Już wiem jaka będzie nowa zasada dla SM. "Astronomican Fault". Dzielisz armię na dwie równe połowy... Jedna zaczyna normalnie, druga... 5-6 zaczyna normalnie, 1-4 gubi się w warpie ;p

Offline Wosho

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1583 dnia: Maj 30, 2008, 02:53:24 pm »
A ja mam nową zasadę dla Eldarów...
Na 2+ z rerollem dostajesz faq na czas :evil:

Offline MiSiU

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1584 dnia: Maj 30, 2008, 05:57:15 pm »
Można już zamawiać podręczniki do nowej edycji, zestawy z okazji jej wypuszczenia (dwa dla SM, po jednym dla TAU, CSM, Eldarów i Necronów), oraz laserek:

Offline Idaan

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1585 dnia: Maj 30, 2008, 06:08:28 pm »
eee...mam wrażenie, że widziałem już znacznie odleglejsze daty w IA....
Niemożliwe. Jedyna pojawiająca się data z M42 to data publikacji książki Inkwizytor Amberly Vail o komisarzu Cainie, ale tylko dlatego, że akcja samej książki dzieje się właśnie "teraz": 999.M41. Także Medusa V musiała dziać się w 1000.M41, bo podróż w Osnowie z Oka Grozy na Medusę musiała zająć Ygethemorowi kilka miesięcy (chyba że prowadzili go sami bogowie), ale to raczej przeoczenie twórców.
"It is impossible to say for how long the Emperor can survive in this condition, or even if he has survived at all. Who can know how much time is left to hgimbefor the tenuous hold upon his phisical body is finally broken, or his mind is torn apart by insanity? (...)"
"It is impossible to say,(...) or even if (...) Who can know how much time(...)". Robienie z igły wideł. Nic nie jest pewne, a GW chce wzmocnić atmosferę zagrożenia, nadchodzącej zagłady i czaszek przez dodawanie jeszcze wiecej zagrożenia, nadchodzącej zagłady i czaszek.
Zresztą nie od dzisiaj wiadomo, że Imperium zaraz upadnie, że nie ma rezerw, że Tron jest popsuty itp.

Offline azrael88

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Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1586 dnia: Maj 30, 2008, 08:34:04 pm »
Można już zamawiać podręczniki do nowej edycji, zestawy z okazji jej wypuszczenia (dwa dla SM, po jednym dla TAU, CSM, Eldarów i Necronów), oraz laserek:

nowy rulebook ma 320 stron (obecny coś pod 270), czyżby 50 stron dodatkowych zasad dla pojazdów?

Offline PaulShin

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1587 dnia: Maj 30, 2008, 08:49:47 pm »
Raczej mnóstwo fluffu i kolorowych (cudnych!) stron. :)

Offline azrael88

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Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1588 dnia: Maj 30, 2008, 08:52:11 pm »
Raczej mnóstwo fluffu i kolorowych (cudnych!) stron. :)

mam nadzieję, iż faktycznie te 50 stron uczyni z rulebooka pokaźną skarbnicę fluffu; oby to nie były nasze pobożne życzenia

Offline Michaelius

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #1589 dnia: Maj 30, 2008, 11:01:50 pm »
Można już zamawiać podręczniki do nowej edycji, zestawy z okazji jej wypuszczenia (dwa dla SM, po jednym dla TAU, CSM, Eldarów i Necronów), oraz laserek:

nowy rulebook ma 320 stron (obecny coś pod 270), czyżby 50 stron dodatkowych zasad dla pojazdów?

Nie raczej jak w podreczniku do Lotra 50 stron z poradami w stylu jak wystrugac wlasny teren przedrukowanymi z WD :D

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