
Autor Wątek: Nowości Games Workshop  (Przeczytany 832019 razy)

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Offline miraj

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2895 dnia: Kwiecień 21, 2009, 09:53:12 am »
Niom, attacker musi mieć 1(2? bo nie wyraźne zdjęcie i nie widze czy 1 czy 2) HQ tylko, resztę może, a defender musi mieć 1HQ 2Tr, a resztę może mieć.

Offline MiSiU

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2896 dnia: Kwiecień 21, 2009, 10:55:08 am »
Jest pod obrazkami opisane:
1 HQ obowiązkowe
2 HQ
6 Elit
6 Troopsów
6 Fastów
3 Heavy

1 HQ
2 Troops'y
2 HQ
3 Elity
6 Troopsów
3 Fasty
6 Heavy


Offline gilthanas

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2897 dnia: Kwiecień 21, 2009, 11:10:07 am »
wydaje mi się, że te 6 FA czy HS to można brać, ale oczywiście nie trzeba.
Jasne ze nie trzeba wystawiac 6 FA i 6 Elit czy 6 HS, ale chodzi mi o to na jakie punkty trzeba grac, zeby ten FoC w pelni wykorzystac. Zakladajac ze nie gra sie orkami, to moim zdaniem dopiero powyzej 3k to sie uda.
A ninja knows no fear.

Offline azrael88

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Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2898 dnia: Kwiecień 21, 2009, 12:07:01 pm »
Kolejna wariacja na temat, a'la cities of death; bedzie atrakcją na wakacje, potem wiekszość o tym zapomni.

Offline Cebul

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2899 dnia: Kwiecień 21, 2009, 04:24:22 pm »
Jasne ze nie trzeba wystawiac 6 FA i 6 Elit czy 6 HS, ale chodzi mi o to na jakie punkty trzeba grac, zeby ten FoC w pelni wykorzystac. Zakladajac ze nie gra sie orkami, to moim zdaniem dopiero powyzej 3k to sie uda.
No ja Ci powiem, że będąc atakującym, jak nie muszę wystawiać troopsów, to ja te 6 slotów spokojnie bym zapełnił ;]

Offline MiSiU

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2900 dnia: Kwiecień 21, 2009, 04:27:02 pm »
A scorować będziesz tym... No.... Zapomniałem...

Offline PaulShin

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2901 dnia: Kwiecień 21, 2009, 04:43:47 pm »
Nie wiadomo co będzie celem misji w Planetsriku, może nie będzie takich objectivów jak normalnie. ;)

Offline the best of IG

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2902 dnia: Kwiecień 21, 2009, 05:44:50 pm »
Jeszcze troszkę o planetstriku :


Thanks to Badger[Fr] we have some details on race specific assets:
-IG: a mass deep-strike ability; a single reserve dice is rolled for the whole army, but each squad that deep strikes must make a dangerous terrain test when it lands.

-Dark Eldar: a penalty to enemy leadership equal to the number of turns passed since the beginning of the game (an interesting bit of background: it mentions Khaine-worshipping Dark Eldar).

-Imperium: Power of the Machine Spirit. BS 3, unshakable turrets.

-Adeptus Mechanicus: a teleporter beam that kills any model in a building on a successful armour save, as its flesh melts with the walls.

-Space Marines: when a Drop Pod deep strikes, all enemy units surrounding the landing zone must make a morale test.

-Tau: a massive EMP blast that disables all targeting systems on the battlefield; all vehicles are now BS 1, but all infantry units gain +1 BS,

-(possibly Ork) basically throwing an asteroid at the enemy
My little Space Marine
 I used to wonder what battle could be
 My little Space Marine
 Until you shared your bolter with me
 Big Tanks, tons of guns, a beautiful armor faithful and strong
 Sharing honor, it's an easy feat and the Emperor makes it all complete!
 Oh my little Space Marine
 Don't you know you are my very best battle brother!

Offline vanswirr

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2903 dnia: Kwiecień 21, 2009, 08:36:57 pm »
Z rozmowy z Phillem Kelly na Games Day france :
NEWS AND RUMOURS: Games Day France
Games Day France was held over the weekend and with it came confirmation of a lot of Planetstrike rumours. This is a 40k expansion book, much like Cities of Death, which changes the fundamental way of playing the game by monkeying about with missions, terrain and force organisation charts.

The book itself was available to leaf through and GeekyLouis on Warseer posted photos of some of the pages here. The Ironclad Dreadnought is in there, as well as lots of pics of the new terrain kits.

These include the landing pad (which has moveable pieces), the Imperial bastion and the Dark Angels fortress.

Brusilov provided a very comprehensive write up of his experience at Games Day much of which I've reproduced below.

I had a long chat with Mr Phil Kelly (thanks for your kindness and patience Phil), here are things I can remember on top of my head:

- Planetstrike is coming to a store near you next July ;

- all the bunkers including the tower are coming in plastic and will be modular. Phil explained to me that you could easily build a tall fortress wall out of the tower ;

- there is a massive fortress somewhere in the book (don't know if there is a pic somewhere) with a Dark Angels theme. From what I understood, it's coming in plastic too! It's basically a three-part citadel...

- the FOC are indeed different : the only compulsory choice for the attacke is one HQ. He can have up to SIX (yes, six!) Elite Choices. Defender has standard compulsory choices (HQ + 2 Troops) but gets to pick SIX HS choices (Imperial Guard here I come!)

- Phil gave me a rough outline of how the game plays : equal points for each side, opponents agree on a number of stratagem points (like in Cities of Death or Apocalypse). Defender buys fortifications with these points (as well as a few tricks : like a back exit to your bunker to charge the enemy in the rear). Attacker picks nasty tricks. Weapons mounted on fortifications can obviously fire upon the enemy (cannot remember if it's only in the first turn, may be so). Defenders appear to get a free round of shooting before the game starts. Two stratagems I could remember are 1) basically throwing an asteroid at the enemy 2) Dark Eldar trick : some form of sonic attack that reduces the Ld of the enemy by -1 every turn (don't remember if it applies to the whole board)

- Speaking of Dark Eldar (nice transition is it not?), I quizzed the man about everyone's favourite pirates. Apparently Phil himself is writing the book. They're redesigning the whole thing from the bottom up : minis, background (he specifically mentioned fleshing it out, which is pretty nice). He would not give me a date (said things get shifted around as development progesses) but we might hope to see it in 2010 (don't quote me on this, it's just personal opinion and in no way endorsed by Phill Kelly) ;

- in other news, I asked him about the Guard tank variants. He said that they'll get around to making them all (couldn't get a confirmation as far as the Deathstrike goes), but the Russes seem to take priority. When I mentioned the artillery (Manticore and such like), he said FW makes very nice models for those. So kits for artillery are a thing of the far future ;

- I questioned him about plastic longcoat guards (with the cover of planetstrike and all that). He basically said they'd love to do it and might get around to do it. When I mentionned the greatcoat Cadian officer, he did admit he looked rather nice. What I get out from this, it's no longer technically infeasible (as was argued a few years back), it's more a question of opportunity ;

- There is a very nice Space Wolves versus Tau picture in Planetstrike. When I asked whether our favourite Space Puppies were coming back, Phill answered with a definitive yes, but without a date

- They're also working on the Necrons. But Phil would not give me details, as it seems he's not directly involved in the projet (and it seems less advanced than the Dark Eldar from what I could infer) and not a date, but they're working on them.

-Thinking about FW, here is some stuff I can remember from a discussion with a FW representative

-The new IA on the Siege of Vraks will include rules for the FW Brass Scorpion (dubbed Greater Brass Scorpion, it has 3 SP) and the Slaughterers (those are nasty : FA 13, fleet of foot, rage ...).

-I asked whether there were another Chaos machine in the works and there is supposed to be one (couldn't get details though) and it's not in the new IA (which makes me dubious as to its existence)

-The Lord of Change is supposed to be released for Christmas (you can thank Santa Tzeentch).

-The next IA after Vraks pt 3 will be about Orks versus Elysians (but I don't think that was news).

-There is no further plan for Krieg release in the pipeline (there may be an odd release or two in the distant future).

That's basically all I can remember ATM.
Jestem agentem Mossadu, ponadto za czarną robotę płaci mi CIA, FSB, Al-Kaida, koncerny energetyczne, Bilderbergowie, wydział XIII Watykanu, Kult Wielkiego Cthulhu, sztab wyborczy PO i oczywiście sam Szatan.

Offline Wosho

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2904 dnia: Kwiecień 22, 2009, 07:30:58 am »
Ok folks, again I'm stating some more rumours - just becasue I feel its necessary with you guys

If drop pods are taken, the whole army must take them.

Bjorn the Fellhanded has AV14 on all sides, better stats.

There is some mad Wulfen Character, who has his own personal drop pod. Can choose who he fights in combat. like a challenge in WFB. No-one else can fight him apart from the person hes attacking, unless said model is killed, in which case his squad can then attack him.

All rules for SC have been rebuffed - all of them can take terminator armour for +50 points. All SC models are getting re-done, if not for the actual release then in subsequent releases.

Any character can take terminator for 50pts, which includes weapons.

Runic weapons I believe function as relic blades, but with something else quite snazzy.

Wolf Guard (in terminator armour) with lightning claws rack up 6 attacks on the charge each. A very broken thing to do (think this ill be omitted from the final codex) is put them with Ragnar Blackmane, who gives them Fleet of foot and rending, though dont' quote me on rending.

Individual wolf guard can replace squad leaders - all should look individual.

No model in the SW codex at all has the option to take a thunderhammer and storm shield.

Wolf Scouts won't be troops.

Wulfen are back in (old)

Thats all I found out - is due for release this year.



Offline MiSiU

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2905 dnia: Kwiecień 22, 2009, 09:25:43 am »
Na BoLS jest ciekawy artykuł autorstwa bigreda na temat literalnego i liberalnego podejścia do zasad. Polecam zwłaszcza ludziom, którym się wydaje że PKZ to bzdura wymyślona przez swoistą lożę masońską.

Offline saddist

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2906 dnia: Kwiecień 22, 2009, 01:46:46 pm »
Artykuł dobry do poczytania jak się komuś nudzi, ale nic w nim odkrywczego nie ma ;). Chyba oczywistym jest, że jak zasady są niejasne, to wymagają klaryfikacji i pewnego ujednolicenia.

Wydaje mi się też, że główne zarzuty odnośnie PKZtów dotyczą nie tyle ich istnienia (bo nie można zaprzeczyć, że są konieczne i chwała tym, którzy nad nimi pracują) ile niektórych zapisów w nich zawartych, gdzie balans pomiędzy RaW a RaI został znacznie zachwiany i w sumie wygląda to tak, jakby to było czyjeś "widzimisię".

Offline Michaelius

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2907 dnia: Kwiecień 22, 2009, 03:36:10 pm »
Phil Kelly pisze kodeks do Dark Eldarow? Hmm chyba zaczne juz skupowac do nich figurki :D

"Your understending is not required, merely your surrender"

Offline gilthanas

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2908 dnia: Kwiecień 22, 2009, 03:46:02 pm »
Phil Kelly pisze kodeks do Dark Eldarow? Hmm chyba zaczne juz skupowac do nich figurki :D

Te koszmarki ktore sa obecnie w obrocie, ja bym poczekal na nowe wzory, zwlaszcza ze jeszcze troche trzeba poczekac, ten 2010 brzmi tak dosyc optymistycznie
A ninja knows no fear.

Offline Vladdi

Odp: Nowości Games Workshop
« Odpowiedź #2909 dnia: Kwiecień 22, 2009, 06:49:20 pm »
Z gustami sie nie dyskutuje. Mi sie figurki DE obladnie podobaja. Incubusy to jeden z powodow dla ktorych zaczalem grac w 40k pomimo topornych marinsow, a drahzar jest wogole moja ulubiona figurka. Warriorzy nawet sa sliczni, zwlaszcza jak sie ich troche przerobi. Ja mam wrecz nadzieje ze zbytnio od klimatu figur nie odejda, tylko ja nieco zdynamizuja i urealnia.

« Ostatnia zmiana: Kwiecień 23, 2009, 08:23:28 am wysłana przez Vladdi »
They told me they needed an army. They made me call half the humanity and tell them to kill the other half. There was no racism after that, no discrimination, no conflicts based on property, politics or religion. It only mattered if you were one of those that answered the phone or one of those that didn't. Apocalypse came and I was at it's gates.

